Monday, April 10, 2006

Between Bet Sira and Amona

At Amona, the police went wild.

At Bet Sira, as these pictures and accompanying story tell, the protestors were not attacked.

As I have suggested to my colleagues, non-violent demos are an art. And sometimes, you have to place yourself in situations that you might feel is degrading or unworthy. But they do carry a powerful PR value. If only we can learn.

1 comment:

  1. Someone sent me this:

    I see your point. But I do question whether the police would have attacked the non-Jewish demonstrators with the same wrath that they exhibited at Amona - and the difference was not their on-site emotional responses but "What ORDERS had they been given, prior to each demonstration?" And: Can we trust that our unflinching non-violence will be noted, recorded, and reported honestly? Or will be just be friers, to the Israeli public?
