Friday, January 20, 2006

And they give them awards

Here's an UPI account of yet another suicide bomber:-

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 (UPI) -- The bomb that exploded near a central Tel Aviv fast-food stand Thursday wounded 15, but shattered hopes of a peaceful transition of power and expectations of smooth elections.

The explosion ended the relative truce that existed as Palestinians and Israelis prepare to head to the polls -- the Palestinians next week and the Israelis in March.

The bomb caused by a suicide bomber puts into question if a new wave of terror is about to be unleashed as the land prepares for what is seen as a landmark election for both sides.

And UPI also noted in another story that at the Golden Globes ceremony:

The winner of the best foreign language film was the Palestinian film "Paradise Now."

And what is the plot of "Paradise Now"?

PARADISE NOW, like THE WAR WITHIN, educates an American audience on the tragedy of the complex battle of "Arab vs. Jew" and does so in a film that brings this struggle home to the West Bank and gives us a picture of two friends selected to carry out revenge for the death of fellow Palestinians. Well constructed, realistic, informative and yes, even humanistic in presenting us with characters that we would immediately disregard with hatred and contempt.

The journey taken by the friends is painful, personal and disturbing, in that the killing of Jews will only extend the bombings and killings of more Palestinians within the West Bank. PARADISE NOW shows us that the historical roots of hatred between Arab and Jew is one that will never go away, and the film points out this factor visually in building to the final scene on the bus in Tel Aviv. When the camera narrows down to the eyes of the bomber, surrounded by healthy, happy Israeli soldiers, the intense moment of self destruction is inevitable.

So, while the critics applaud, the Pals. continue to make other types of loud noises.

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