Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's To Protect the PA

One of my good friends, A., sent me the Jerusalem Post story on how the government of Israel is fairly determined to raze the Gush Katif synagogues.

And he wrote, inter alia, this:

...Besides the 'Halachic' reasonings against destroying your own Synagogues, when they first started talking about what to do w/the Shuls we thought the same as those who felt it would set a terrible JEWISH SANCTIONED precedent for any situation in the Diaspora when & if condemnation of Shull property would come up for rezoning or otherwise. This is certainly a MAJOR reason for NOT doing what this damn irresponsible gov is going to do!

But another serious thought/reason that came to our minds (the believers that good things can always be hoped for & since the Jewish State was established our history in OUR LAND is nothing more than a minute window in our past & future history) is the "politically correct" consideration that if they destroy our Synagogues when they take over & build as they ALWAYS do their mosques, when we take OUR LAND back & take over again we can destroy their mosques & build OUR Shuls again. The other way around makes it "politically incorrect" to destroy their mosques to rebuild OUR Shuls.

He really has us in a fix. He's bent on finishing his crazy act quicker than ASAP bcs he knows now there is a better chance than ever he'll be thrown out. Can you understand him? WHY!?! -- He did/is doing all this?!? - (Again & again, noone ever showed us any reasons that were reasonable - So if you know of any that you consider to be even fairly logical please relay them to us.

Gee, and here I thought that Sharon wanted to protect the PA from what Israel did to Jordan in the few post-1967 years when we lambasted them over the destruction of 30-odd synagogues in the Old City and the desecration of the Mt of Olives cemetery.

They could be seen as the lowest of lows, uncultured, primitive, truly irreligious. Now, would that be nice to do to his friends?

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