Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A Tale of Rebbe Nachman

As we proceed towards disengagement, I am reminded of this tale of Rebbe Nachman of Bratzlav.

Once upon a time, the King turned to his beloved advisor and said,
"I see in my star-gazing visions that the wheat growing this year will cause those who eat of it to go crazy. What shall we do?"

"Let us prepare enough wheat from other sources so that we won't have to eat of this poisoned wheat."

"But then," replied the King, "all the world will be crazy and only we will be sane. In this situation and because will probably won't have enough wheat, we will also have to eat of the wheat."

"But I propose that we place a mark on our foreheads so that we shall know that we are crazy for we will look at each other and the sign will tell us we're crazy."

However, I always thought the ending should have been "for we will look at each other and the sign will tell us we were once sane."

Now, though, that the 'safe passage' idea is back (the route that will facilitate the transfer of war materiel into Judea & Samaria), and that the PA's pretty boy Dahlan wants two more kilometers of Israel (and the destruction of Netiv Ha'Asarah)and the Hamas trumpets the next stage of Kassam attacks to hit Afula, Hadera, et al., I realize that the best our politicans can do is recall that they are crazy. To remember and comprehend the concept of sanity - that is all gone.

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