Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Territoriality of the Balfour Declaration

It is a staple of Arab propaganda that the Balfour Declaration promised the Jews a "national home" in Palestine, not that all of Palestine should become a Jewish state.

They quote this portion:

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,

and claim that if the Zionist version is correct, it should have read something like:

"His Majesty's Government agree that Palestine should become the national home for the Jewish people, viewing its establishment with favour".

But what they ignore is that at the time of its issuance, Palestine, "historic Palestine" extended into Lebanon in the north and Transjordan to the east.

In 1919, the Zionists presented a map of their territorial claims to the Versailles Peace Conference

The British also presented a proposal that included parts of Syria and Transjordan. As I once wrote:

Zionism has been yielding territory since 1919

After removing Transjordan from Jewish settlement rights in 1922 and earlier, awarding part of northern Palestine to the French Mandate over Syria, we still have all of Western historic Palestine as the Jewish national home. By right.



  1. Susie Dym said:

    The two-state "solution" means establishing yet another dangerous, radicalized, failed Arab state -- this time just a bike-ride away from Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Ben-Gurion airport. This is unjust and un-necessary. There already is a Palestinian Arab state, 3 times the size of Israel -- in Jordan.

    All Palestinians should be transferred to Jordan, because JORDAN IS PALESTINE.

    The goal of creating [another] Palestinian state is not to help the Palestinians; the goal is to make Israel indefensible, so it can be wiped off the map by Muslims.

    Selling land to Jews is a death-penalty-felony in Jordan.

    Why should Palestinians be permitted to live in Israel when Jews are not permitted to live in Jordan?

    The Palestinians already have a state:
    It is called Jordan.
    Jordan is more than three times the size of Israel.

  2. Ariel Ben Solomon said:

    “During the past year-and-a-half, he [Yigal Carmon] explained, MEMRI concentrated on monitoring sermons by imams [Muslim preachers] across America.

    The results from a random sample of over 100 imams, he said, were shocking.

    The sermons were laced with incitement to kill Jews, support for global jihad and hard-core misogyny.

    A few imams, he said, preached tolerance and coexistence, but they were a small minority.”

    SOURCE: Supremacists and Jihadis form
    two-pronged attack threatening Jews in USA
    by Ariel Ben Solomon, 2019 June 26
