Thursday, April 25, 2019


I noted that I am unable to see a tweet by Rabbi Jill Jacobs

Too bad she's blocked me.
Does the Left ever believe in a free exchange of ideas and opinions?

And (((Emanuel Miller))) jumped in


It's her right to block you. You can be a bit forceful sometimes.

And it took off from there, leading me to realize that some people cannot admit they are wrong and to do so they alter the rhetoric and take evasive moves while assuming an undeserved stance of superiority, and - not answering my points:


Oh, come on.
Did I threaten ever?
Use expletives?
Okay, define "forceful" so I know what I supposedly do.


I said "a bit forceful", not "abusive" or "lying".



You still haven't answered my question.
For example, my pressing you to provide an example, is that forceful?


Not really. Most people would automatically defend themselves in your position. As for evidence, I'm not going to trawl for instances that have given me the distinct impression that you're combative. You don't need to agree, but neither am I going to waste my limited time.


Now it's 'combative'.
Oh, and please do not waste your time.
Don't you realize how your criticism appears if a) you can't defend your langauge with examples (or admit the need to trawl to even find any); b) change terms mid-discussion; c) toss in a deprecating tone?


Yes, combative. It's similar enough to forceful that I'm comfortable using both to describe how you write. You can wear them as a badge of honour, if you like.
Anyway research is generally required for evidence and this conversation isn't worth my time. So no, not bothering.

You'll note that it was he who jumped into the conversation and now, his time isn't worth the effort.



  1. "Combative". I.e., willing to actually fight for what you believe.

    I recently had an essay countering a "we love BDS" piece in a school newspaper called "too aggressive" - and denied publication.

  2. You still haven't answered my question.

    "What do you see as the best solution regarding the West Bank? If it is annexed, should the Arabs living there be offered Israeli citizenship and equal rights to Jewish citizens"?
