Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Will So. Africa's Land Expropriation Be Copied by the Palestinian Authority?

I am going to make an educated - and informed - guess that what South Africa is now doing, will be applied by the Arabs-called-Palestinians. After all, they consider Zionism as colonialism.

And what are they doing in South Africa?

They have passed legislation, back in February, to begin a process to amend the country's  Constitution to allow land expropriation without compensation. There were those who voted against as they considered a proposal to expropriate land without compensation is one that "undermines” property rights.

As it has been noted, this probably, economically, is a bad idea. Its neighbor, Zimbabwe, had a bad experience with expropriation without compensation:

Zimbabweans might have seized the land without compensation 18 years ago, but they collectively paid for it through eight consecutive years of economic decline that led to job losses, deindustrialization and a loss of agricultural export revenues. 

But South Africa has already gotten onto the process, even if to test the legality of the matter:

Land Reform Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane signed another two final orders for expropriation in terms of section 42E of the Restitution of Land Rights Act, where negotiations have become deadlocked. While government is willing to pay for the land, the Akkerland case comes as the ANC’s top structures have decided over the past weeks that government must urgently proceed with test cases in order to test the concept of expropriation without compensation.
Mokona emphasised that there was no talk of expropriation without compensation, but that the courts would have to give clarity on what constitutes “just and equitable” compensation.

The Palestinian Authority looks to South Africa as a model and will go the same way.

Given, though, it behavior in Gaza, with the loss and destruction of all the agricultural advancements the Jews accomplished there, Zimbabwe is probably what will be copied.


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