Wednesday, August 01, 2018

A Grave Matter, Er, Matter of a Grave at the Temple Mount

I am not sure, to tell the truth, whose grave this is:

but I think it is that of Sharif Hussein ibn Ali, father of Abdallah, and Hussein and more.

He died and was buried inside a vault inside the Western Wall.  The funeral procession was impressive, I'll admit:

From the newspaper:


1 comment:

  1. You are correct. The ex-king of the Hejaz, founder of the modern royal Hashemite line and great great grandfather of King Abdullah II, died in exile in Amman 4 June 1931 and was buried on the precincts of the Haram al-Sharif. His funeral was well attended, as evident by the pictures, and well documented by the British mandate officials to prevent any nationalist uprisings. His funeral and entombment was arranged by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was building his credentials among the Arab nationalists and was a violent anti-Zionist. The Hashemites were not anti-Semitic and were distressed by the ensuing conflict, which is why Jordan has better relations with Israel than is expected of an Arab nation.
    Thank you for the photo shot---wish I could read the inscription. I am a specialist in this particular part of Arab history and love seeing others show an interest in it.
