Thursday, August 24, 2017

"Accomplished by God Alone"

I am reading a recently published book, from Gefen, on the second Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Isaac Herzog, "Rabbinate in Stormy Days". My book review next week.

But I caught this (I need actually to read a book thoroughly which can delay my reviews):

(click to enlarge)

That was in 1938, in secret testimony before the Woodhead Commission.

My Master's thesis, still to be completed, deals with the Temple Mount in Zionist politics and discourse up until 1967.  And I am still discovering material.

In any case, I am fairly certain God enjoys and even prefers company in redemptive labors. 
He didn't build the first nor the second temples. He returned to us, one could say, sovereignty over the Temple Mount but we haven't really done much over the past 50 years. 

Rabbi Herzog's attitude and outlook seem to be the main steam rabbinical position, echoing that of Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook in 1921.

All of which makes for interesting discourse and politics.



  1. Why did God even bother creating any other kind of humans than you?

  2. Sorry, by reading that comment over I realize it can be misunderstood. What I mean by it is, if Jews are so perfect, the chosen etc. why would God place anyone else on Earth?
