Thursday, March 23, 2017

And the "Dumb Jew Award" Goes to...Peter Beinart

Here's the screenshot of Peter Beinart's tweet (p.s. he's blocked me) responding to Brigitte Gabriel's tweet:

Now, most Jews and many non-Jews know that the Purim story involves Jews defending themselves from a state-sponsored program of elimination, eradication and extirpation.

It cannot be compared to supremacist radical Islamism killing non-Muslims in a terror campaign that has no rhyme nor reason.

He later attempted to link his remarks in a smug fashion to the Israeli administration of portions of the Land of Israel not (yet) under full sovereignty:

Verified account @PeterBeinart · 18h18 hours ago18 hours ago18 hours agoMore@ACTBrigitte we do. And luckily, there's nothing violent about a military occupation that denies millions of Palestinians basic rights for 50 years

(Added paragraph below)

What Beinart does in that tweet is mask that a) the Pals. are the ones who have been avoiding closing a deal, since 1993's Oslo Accords including Clinton Parameters, Netanyahu's construction moratorium, Olmerts's and Livni's swaps, etc.;  b) ignoring that there is a security aspect in Israel's administration;  c) that so-called "occupation" is legal in that it responded to a war of aggression in a defensive fashion.

Beinart, besides exploiting anti-Semitic tropes against his ideological foes and misrepresenting Zionism in his poorly researched book, see here and here, is now turning Judaism upside-down.

For that, he truly deserves the Dumb Jew Award.


1 comment:


    Peter Beinart calls PA's #Abbas a gentleman. Dedicates statues to terrorists, incites violence., pays murderers of Jews. Really Mr #Beinart?
