Friday, October 14, 2016

America's Middle East Policy, 71 Years On

America's basic Middle East policy hasn't changed in over 70 years.  At least.


The American Christian Palestine Committee, chaired by Senator Robert Wagner (D, New York) and including a number of distinguished non-Jews, was requesting all members of Congress to have the president endorse unlimited Jewish immigration and statehood in Palestine now that the war in Europe had ended. Palestine, Grew noted, may be included among the dependent areas for which a system of trusteeship was evolving at San Francisco, and definite arrangements regarding specific territories were to be considered later. Given the current crisis in Syria and Lebanon and renewed outbreaks of terrorism in Palestine itself, any action by the U.S. government along the lines desired by the American Christian Palestine Committee would “increase the prevailing tension in the Near East.” Truman agreed that such an endorsement would have “most unfortunate” repercussions. Tat evening, at his first official dinner, Truman received the regent of Iraq, who would be publicly told by Special Departmental Assistant William Phillips that the government welcomed the Arab League’s formation on 22 March as not only benefiting the Arab countries but making “important and constructive contributions to the great tasks awaiting the United Nations.” Te following day, Truman “approved in principle” the efforts of the departments of State, War, and the Navy, sanctioned by Roosevelt in January, to seek congressional aid for Saudi Arabia’s urgent financial requirements.

Need I add more?


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