Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Shimon Levy, January 7, 1948

Recently, photographs from the end of the British Mandate of Plaestine came to light.

Here are two from January 7, 1948.  An Irgun fighter, shot while fleeing through to Mamilla Cemetery, is being carried off to the side, dead:

This is just opposite where the new Waldorf-Astoria Hotel is located and the rounded facade of the building up the street is still there.  It's now Shlomtzion HaMalka St., corner of Agron St.

The Irgun fighter is Shimon Levy.  He joined the Irgun in 1943 and was a commander in the strike squad in the city and participated in the attacks on the Immigration Offices, the Government Broadcasting studio in Ramallah and on the C.I.D. Offices, among others.

Here are two headlines and stories of his last operation, an attack on Arab positions leading to Jaffa Gate from HaMashkif:

and HaTzofeh:

Rebuffed at the road blockade (where the municipal parking lots are down from David Citadel Hotel), the barrel bomb they attempted to release got entangled and blew up, throwing their vehicle into the cemetery wall where, despite an attempt to flee on foot, three squad members, Shimon, Efraim Levi and Nissim Ben-Haim, were shot dead by British security personnel.


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