Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Castration as An Anti-Jewish Weapon

Even the New York Times reported the gruesome details (in NYTimesese, "jarring"):

Ankie Spitzer, the widow of the fencing coach Andre Spitzer, at the Olympic Village in 1972...said she and family members of the other victims learned the details of how the victims were treated only 20 years after the attack...a more vivid — and disturbing — account of the attack is emerging. For the first time, Ms. Romano, Ms. Spitzer and other victims’ family members are choosing to speak openly about documentation previously unknown to the public in an effort to get their loved ones the recognition they believe is deserved.

Among the most jarring details are these: The Israeli Olympic team members were beaten and, in at least one case, castrated.  “What they did is that they cut off his genitals through his underwear and abused him,” Ms. Romano said of her husband, Yossef. Her voice rose. “Can you imagine the nine others sitting around tied up?” she continued, speaking in Hebrew through a translator. “They watched this.”...The photographs were “as bad I could have imagined,” Ms. Romano said. (The New York Times reviewed the photographs but has chosen not to publish them because of their graphic nature.)... Other hostages were beaten and sustained serious injuries, including broken bones

The Arabs-who-call-themselves-'Palestinians' have a penchant for the castration of Jews.

Over a year ago, I had posted a list of acts of castrations by our local Arabs here.  It includes this instance:

In Hebrew, I found a quotation from Yoram Kaniuk who found someone from his unit who was killed in battle and the Arabs had tied him up in a tree, had cut his body in to pieces with his penis in his mouth and the description is inhis book תש"ח.

There were quite a few instances such as this.

To be fair, in a case when a Jewish girl was raped, the Palmach took revenge in the form of castration.  But, at least, they took a course and did it surgically and left the rapist alive.

Oh, by the way, the article appears in print on page B10 of the New York edition.



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