Saturday, September 12, 2015

When Irony Does Not Work

I sent this letter to the NYTimes:

Letty Cottin Pogrebin's letter ("An Irony in Jerusalem", Sept. 11) misidentifies the site where she asserts Jewish women are harassed by ultra-Orthodox men for praying with prayer shawls.  It is not the Temple Mount but the Western Wall Plaza area.  In fact, would those women ascend to the Temple Mount compound, they would receive the same treatment as Jewish men from Muslims: shouting, screeching, interference in their walks, occasional pushing, spitting and throwing of objects.

After reading this:

To the Editor:
Re “Israel Outlaws Two Palestinian Groups” (news article, Sept. 10):
I find it ironic and hypocritical that Israel would prosecute Muslim women who demonstrate and harass Jewish men at the Temple Mount/Al Aqsa holy site when Israel has for years ignored similar harassment by ultra-Orthodox Jewish men against Jewish women wearing prayer shawls who dare to pray on the same Temple Mount with a Torah.
New York
The writer is a founding editor of Ms. magazine and a former president of Americans for Peace Now.

Moreover, she is a bit of a silly lady. Police have for over two years been quite forceful in preventing anti-woman violence (of course, never enough); the Supreme Court has intervened; Naftali Bennet and Natan Scharansky are pushing solutions and - as I wrote to the paper - the site of the "irony"is the Western Wall Plaza not the Temple Mount.


Due to my alert, received this:

This is fixed online.
Correction: September 12, 2015 An earlier version of this letter misstated the site where ultra-Orthodox Jewish men have harassed Jewish women at prayer. It is the Western Wall plaza, not the Temple Mount.

Thanks to all.

Letters EditorThe New York Times620 Eighth AvenueNew York, N.Y. 10018


1 comment:

  1. Can you maybe invite someone over to police, you severely seem to be in need of policing. Can you get over to Israel a US non Orthodox criminal auturney or cop or Arab mega capitalist next in line for precidency. Etc. Anyway. Can you get someone to pass the judgement, that both can agree on is not bias, Can you?
