Monday, June 29, 2015

Amazing Occupation Or, A Question That Has Been Occupying My Mind

RL and I were conversing last night and the topic of terms was discussed, with me pointing out that the word "occupation" need not be feared.  After all, we were occupied in conversation and we each had professional occupations, etc.

And he pointed out that probably most of the people who were engaged in late 2011 and early 2012 in this movement

and wished to extend and enlarge it further

people like him

and like them

and them

as well as many who supported and identified with their protests, would very much be opposed to an "occupation" of another kind (even if it isn't quite an occupation)

especially Jews

Another double standard?



  1. I think you are right. Occupy is not a bad word. The occupation af e.g. Gaza would not need to be a bad thing if it brought its inhabitors greater quality of life than before, that just might happen still.

  2. There are many instances right now where injustice is being wraught, all around the world.

  3. This post has been included in the latest joint Havel Havelim-Kosher Cooking Carnival,  Shiloh Musings: 17th of Tammuz Fast Postponed, HH and KCC, Too

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