Sunday, May 17, 2015

Darn That Danino

Back in November, we learned that Israel's

Police chief won’t let any more MKs on Temple Mount

He explained that
...behavior [going to the Temple Mount] — even by MKs — can endanger public safety and security
and, therefore, despite MKs' immunity, he will not allow such 'behavior'.
We learned, further that the head of the national police, Yochanan Danino,
singled out MKs whose visits to the site have been accompanied by posts on social media...these lawmakers’ intentions were to “provoke and make remarks about changing the law on the Temple Mount [that allows Jewish visitors but bars them from praying there], which is exploited by [Muslim] extremists as a sign of a changing status quo.”
So, you would presume only Jews wish to alter the status quo.

But here can see MK Ahmed Tibi on the Mount - via social media even -
and he is demanding a Muslim-only approach (hear him here).

Isn't that campaigning for the altering of the status quo?

I can only presume that the pro-Mulsim status quo is even more sacred than the Temple Mount's sanctity for the Jews or the lawful right of Jews to pray there.
And that being so, I can further presume that Danino prefers even more anti-Jewish incitement by Muslim Arabs, supported by a MK, rather than the protection of Jewish rights.
That is a very sorry state of affairs.

I would have suggested Danino go back to bed but I feel that would unfairly implicate him in other police activity.