Wednesday, September 10, 2014

New Human Shields in Jerusalem

Found: new "human shields" ---

this presence is a human shield to protect Al-Aqsa
In Arabic:

  مشيرة الى أن هذا التواجد يشكل درعاً بشريا لحماية الأقصىى .

I call them the Wicked Witches of the Waqf.

They are not shields as no Jew goes into Al-Aqsa Mosque nor the Dome of the Rock nor the Golden Gate or into any of the schools or libraries therein.

The Jews simply circumvent the compound and cannot pray, or recite Psalms or dig for archeological purposes or anything else overtly Jewish.  No rallies, demos or flags or banners.  Nothing any Muslim can do.

But these women shout and yell and move to physically interfere with those visitors.  They'll spit at them and throw shoes.  They will act provocatively and make false complaints to the police.

That's a shield for intolerant Islamism and its violence.



  1. BS”D
    Discussion with Moishela (with his family)
    A Handicapped child
    3 Av 5774 (July 29, ’14)

    “We Must Prepare Ourselves To Be Unblemished Sacrifices”

    Since the last time that I wrote, much has happened.

    for the rest of the discussion:

  2. Thanks a lot for sharing with us the pure and holy words of Moishela that comes from Hashém. First time I read something particular and concrete. We have been forewarned.

    I really hope this comes true (although I wish it would be more peaceful). I hope we all live to greet the Mashiach with joy b"h in this coming new year :-)
