Sunday, September 07, 2014

Feminine Wiles in the Pal. Authority

I'm trying to find out her name.

From Al-Quds, today.

I wonder if she's competing for Mother of the Year award.

P.S.  She's Lebanese and it's an Hezbollah story.  But the newspaper is Jerusalem local.


1 comment:

  1. Petition: Change BBC boilerplate on Gaza casualties to reflect disputed figures

    Dear fellow blogger and Israel advocate,
    This message is a call for your support for a petition to the BBC to change the language of their reporting on casualties from the recent Operation Protective Edge. The petition is found at iPetitions at In the first 10 days the petition has been signed by more than 500 people, which is a good momentum if it can be maintained. Still the 10,000 signature target is still a long way away.

    Undoubtedly, you as with most of us, are approached to sign dozens of petitions, most of which you ignore and even the ones you sign you find hard to enthuse over. I hope this letter will anticipate some of your questions and give you incentive to assist the project.

    This petition is different from most that come my way over the Internet. It is specific rather than general; addressed to bodies with a legal persona and obligation to respond; measurable results (remember the BBC claims that it gets Israel/Palestine about right) and even if the BBC refuses to modify their behaviour there is hasbara leverage to be gained simply by publicly presenting it.

    What if you don't read, listen or watch the BBC or media analysis is not a regular part of your blog? It is still important to support the petition. The BBC is, measured by staff numbers, the world’s largest news gatherer and a major news agency in its own right; broadcasts worldwide and in a dozen languages in addition to English, and has an almost symbiotic relationship with the Guardian newspaper and Al Jazeera English. Still relying on its past reputation for professionalism combined with an almost unique legal obligation for impartiality it is considered a reliable source by politicians, governments and other media. Subtly biased BBC boilerplate becomes fact, if not challenged now.

    Hasn’t the ceasefire made the petition obsolete? No one knows how long the current ceasefire will last. Hamas has broken every one so far. However, even if the halt in fire lasts, which has meant in the past until the number of Hamas attacks becomes unbearable, the BBC will continue repeating its disputed Gaza casualty count figure with the majority civilians as if they had verified it themselves. The petition is still valuable.

    How can you help?
    Support this petition on your blog and social media
    Share widely with your contacts
    Sign the petition and request your friends do, too

    I hope you will support this project.

    Please feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions.

    David Guy for Five Minutes for Israel []
    Please contact me and we can exchange telephone numbers

    I am available on Skype at GUY_family Rehovot, Israel but please message me first to connect.

    More information on the reasoning for the petition at … and the majority were not civilian

    Facebook page Petiton the BBC
