Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Gazans Should Be Thankful for Iron Dome

I posted a few days ago on Navi Pillay, the UN's human rights idiot, and her statement on the Iron Dome provided to Israel through US funding that

"No such protection has been provided to Gazans against the shelling,"

I just heard a panel discussion on Channel 10 and Dr. Anat Berko made a point on this. 

Paraphrasing, she said that the Gaza civilians should be thankful that Israel has the Iron Dome 

for otherwise, if buildings in Israel would have been toppled and the fatality rate among Israelis would have been much higher, the ferociousness of the IDF in its fighting would have been such that the civilians of Gaza would have regretted supporting Hamas.



And now this, from CNN's political commentator:

what the Iron Dome does is it also takes away all of Hamas's military leverage

He (Marc Lamont Hill) also said:

I'm pleased to see the United States finally joining the international community in condemning Israel for this reckless assault on innocent lives, but it is hard to condemn Israel when you fund them with so much of the money and so many of the weapons. 


1 comment:

  1. How long before Hamas finds some kind of biological, chemical or nuclear weapon that evades Iron Dome? Israel should be fighting as if there is NO Iron Dome. Just because the attacks on its civilians have not resulted in mega deaths, Israel must realize the motivation behind the attempts. Remove all the civilians by force, level the place and make it a monument to what happens to people who try to exterminate the Jews of Israel.
