Sunday, July 06, 2014

Why Is Anyone Surprised?

Truth told, I am surprised that many people I know were surprised that Jewish suspects in the murder of    were arrested and that the possibility that Jews not only killed out of revenge but did so in such a horrific manner.

In 1974, after terrorists who had attacked in Bet Shean were killed by security forces, Jewish citizens broke into the apartment and threw the bodies out the window and eventually poured kerosense on them and set them ablaze.

EOZ posted a 'condemnation' which reads, in part,

We unequivocally condemn the horrific murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir. It was unjustifiable under any circumstances. The killing was reprehensible...There are reports that Jews have been arrested for this crime. If a trial finds that Jews are indeed guilty of this unconscionable killing, our condemnation is redoubled. The idea that Jews could do such an act fills us with shame and horror.

The people who murdered Mohammed do not represent us in any way. It is not enough to dissociate ourselves from the dreadful act; we must also ensure that crimes like this are never repeated.

Just as the appalling murders of Naftali Fraenkel, Eyal Yifrach and Gilad Shaar do not in any way justify the hideous murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, neither does Khdeir's murder justify the violence, terrorism, destruction and incitement we have seen over the past few days against Israelis and Jews...

I have condemned the 'price-tag' phenomenon and seek to base my nationalism on moral fundamentals.  Somehow, in this case, I did not wish to affix my signature to the above proclamation.  Not because I do not disagree with its content but with its essence.  And I surely do not wish to be perceived as "breast-beating", especially on my breast for something I did not do.  And I do not need to pint the finger at my Jewish 'other'.

He exists.  i cannot deny that but I do know, as a political historian, that these developments are not surprises.  Even non-Jews know that.

Consider Turbulent Stasis: Comparative Reflections upon Intercommunal Violence and Territoriality in the Israel/Palestine Conflict by Timothy Wilson, an academic study which asserts

From (at least) the Balfour Declaration of 1917 right down to the present day, the Zionist-Palestinian conflict has been sculpted by external forces. But never entirely so: grassroots patterns of confrontation have also been vital. This article therefore adopts a “bottom-up” approach to the evolution of the conflict since the early twentieth century.

In a previous book, he researched "plebian violence" in the post-First World War years in Ulster and Upper Silesia, areas that saw saw violent conflicts over self-determination. He claimed

The violence in Upper Silesia was more intense both in the numbers killed and in the forms it took. Acts of violation such as rape or mutilation were noticeably more common in Upper Silesia than in Ulster. 

He quotes in his summary chapter, Rene Girard, from his 1972 La Violence et le Sacré:

Violence is frequently called irrational. It has its reasons, however, and can marshal some rather convincing ones when the need arises. Yet these reasons cannot be taken seriously, no matter how valid they may appear...When unappeased, violence seeks and always finds a surrogate victim. The creature that excited its fury is abruptly replaced by another, chosen only because it is vulnerable and close at hand.

i cannot agree with all of that theory of his, but it has logic and life's reflection.

What we witness here is not surprising. Palmachniks castrated an Arab, Araf Ahmed Shatawi, who had raped a Jewish girl.  Following a serious of sexual assaults on Jewish women in Jerusalem over several months, as can ve seen from this June 15, 1928 issue of the Palestine bulletin:

Hagana members shot dead two Arabs later that month.

June 19, 1928:

June 10, 1928:

Here's a 'minor' incident from 1924, detached from the "riots" or the official waves of inter-communal violence (1920; 1921; 1929; 1936-39) as reported in 1925 in the Palestine Bulletin:

Anyone semi-knowledgeable regarding the history of the Zionist-Muslim conflict over Eretz-Yisrael cannot be surprised, no matter how deplorative and horrendous the acts.  Nevertheless, I did not sign.

First of all, I always, out of much experience, wait for a trial.  Government officilas should make statements, even religious leaders.  But outsiders?  What is our value?  Who listens to us?

Second, consider Prime Minister Netanyahu's words:

I would like to send my condolences to the Abu Khudair family. I pledge that the perpetrators of this horrific crime, which must be resolutely condemned in the most forceful language. I pledge that the perpetrators of this horrific crime will face the full weight of the law. I know that in our society, the society of Israel, there is no place for such murderers. And that's the difference between us and our neighbors. They consider murderers to be heroes. They name public squares after them. We don't. We condemn them and we put them on trial and we'll put them in prison.

And that's not the only difference. While we put these murderers on trial, in the Palestinian Authority, there is continuous incitement for the destruction of the State of Israel. It's a staple of the official media and the educational system.

This is an asymmetrical conflict. We do not seek their destruction; they teach a very broad segment of their society to seek our destruction. And that must end. There is too much suffering. There is too much pain.

We do not differentiate between the terrorists and we will respond to all of them, wherever they come from, with a firm hand. We will not allow extremists from wherever they come to ignite the region and shed more blood.

That is the proper approach.

Consider also another outsider, Yossi Melman, who tweeted

"The suspects in the murder of the Palestinian boy took part in a demo and decided to kill an Arab.The motive: hate and racism."

Not revenge?  So, when Arabs kill Jews they do so not because of a feeling of being "occupied"?

Or because they're Nazis?

i decry all violence that is unjustified, extra-legal and expecially now that the state is established, outside its military/police arms except in immediate cases of legitimate self-defense.


ISA Statement Regarding the Murder of Shelly Dadon:-

In the wake of expedited intelligence activity, the Israel Police and the ISA, on 16 June 2014, arrested Hussein Yousef Hussein Khalifa, from Iblin in the Galilee, on suspicion of involvement in the 1 May 2014 murder of Shelly Dadon in the Migdal Haemek industrial zone.

During ISA questioning, Hussein Khalifa confessed to murdering Dadon and disclosed many details regarding the murder.

Hussein Khalifa, 34, from Iblin, is a taxi driver...


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