Sunday, June 29, 2014

They Got the Spelling Correct But...

There'll be no visits during afternoon hours for the length of Ramadan month to the Temple Mount for non-Muslims:

While the spelling there is correct, the Hebrew actually reads in English translation:

Dear Visitor,
From today until July 27, 2014,
the Temple Mount will be closed
to visitors between the hours
of 13:30 to 14:30
due to Ramadan.

And if you go here, and if you use Google Translate, you can find out that a good few people are really angry that the Palestinian Authority's Minister for Waqf Affairs, Mahmoud Dabash, was attacked, yelled at and pushed into hiding for his safety on Friday night while visiting the Temple Mount..  This, all the while "settlers are storming Al-Aqsa".

And yes, there are some Muslims who can't get in:

and flags are appearing in the Old City

that resonate the ISIS.

All this is very incorrect.  Not to mention a new mosque, on the south of the esplanade:

Anybody aware up there in government circles?


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