Sunday, February 23, 2014

Low-Intensity Conflict Security Report February 23, 2014

Low-Intensity Conflict Security Report February 23, 2014

These reports are translated and publicized by Yehudit Tayar for Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron with the clearance and confirmation of the IDF.  Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron is a voluntary emergency medical organization with over 500 volunteer doctors, paramedics, medics who are on call 24/7 and work along with the IDF, 669 IAF Airborn Rescue, the security officers and personal throughout Yesha and the Jordan Valley, and with MDA.

We, the volunteers of Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron go out to rescue anyone who needs our emergency medical assistance; including civilians, military and Arabs also those within the PA territories. (with IDF presence) To us a life is precious and we go out at risk leaving home and family or stopping on the road to rescue anyone in need.

This is a partial report of the on-going terror attacks against Israel and IDF and innocent civilians. While the world continues to pressure Israel and boycott products from Yesha the attacks continue daily by those who wish to murder Jews in our Land.  It is imperative to break the silence of these attacks which are both encouraged and condoned by the Palestinian Authority, the UNWRA who teach to hate and murder using the excuse of Israel occupying these areas and willfully ignoring the establishment of the PLO in 1964 before the Six Day War in 1967.

This is a report of the attacks from February 16 -23, 2014

Rock attacks:

Hevron :

At least 1500 rioters participated in demonstrations under the governor of Hevron Camel Chamid.  A member of "b'zelem" was injured lightly by a rock thrown by one of his Arab rioting friends

February 21

About 30 anarchists blocked the entrance to Kiryat Arba in order to encourage the Arabs to attack the city after the Arab prayers

Riots in Hevron with about 1500 Arabs some with masks on their faces left the Mosque of Arches – Policemens square attacked wit hrocks and fire bombs.  IDF and Border police responded with crowd dispersing measures. Arab reporter injured lightly from rock thrown in riots and was taken by Red Crescent to hospital. 

From the Arab cemetery towards Israeli vehicle across from Avraham Avenu neighborhood

From the Arab cemetery towards Israelis at Gross Square across from Avraham Avenu neighborhood.

Bet Romano in the Jewish Quarter of Hevron attacked by rocks

Daily rocks attacks at IDF and border policemen near the Cave of the Patriarchs in the Jewish quarter of Hevron encouraged by anarchists

Between Kiryat Arba and Bet Anun

Between Kiryat Arba and Hevron near to the turn 160 – damage caused

IDF troops attacked by Arab terrorists encouraged by anarchists near the road joining Kiryat Arba to Hevron.  The IDF force went into the area and used crowd dispersing measures  to stop the attack

Halhul north of Hevron attempted murder by throwing rocks from moving vehicle very close to the location of the terror attack that resulted in the murders of Asher and Yonatan Palmer HY"D.

Hevron Kiryat Arba Road

About 100 meters south of Carme Zur tins of pain were thrown towards Israeli bus in order to cause an accident – the bus continued on the road fortunately

Southern Hevron Hills:

Between Aduraim and Neguhot

Bus attacked south-west of Hevron on the Neguhot road

Border patrol force between Aduraim and Neguhot attacked south-west of Hevron

Gush Etzion:

Israeli vehicles attacked near the school in Arab Tekoa

February 21

IDF soldier injured lightly from attack near Arab Tekoa scratch in his face.  Arab rioter injured lightly in leg from rubber bullets.

Bus attacked near El Arub

Between Neve Danile and Efrat Junction causing damage


During the Shabbat in the afternoon about 50 violent Arabs came to the entrance of the community of Gilad Farm and the residents chased them away.  1 Israeli injured lightly from rock attack

IDF chased away 8 Arabs who were attacking the Ariel Industrial Area with rocks

Western area of the Ariel Industrial region Arabs attacked a number of workers and vehicles with rocks

Rock blockade between Tapuah and Migdalim.  Arab vehicles were damaged.

About 50 Arabs rioted and attacked IDF troops with rocks at Yitzhar Junction


Highway 446 about 400 meters south of Nili junction

From area of the Arab school in Luben A-Shrakia near Ma'aleh Levona

Rock attacks and rock barricade on road north of Nachliel

Fire Bomb Attacks:

Jerusalem Region:

After the Shabbat entered Arab terrorists threw 3 fire bombs towards the Mt. of Olives passage.

Fire bomb and rocks thrown towards the gas station on the road between Ma'aleh Adumim and Jerusalem.  Border police patrol chased the terrorists away. Damage caused to Border police jeep.


2 firebombs thrown at security fence of Psagot. Security coordinator put the fire out that the fire bomb caused.

1 fire bomb thrown at road near Neve Zuf


School bus attacked with fire bomb 300 meters before Yitzhar small junction from the direction of Kedumim

2 fire bombs thrown at bus near Hawara near gas station

1 fire bomb on Southern Shechem bypass (Gilad Road) fire bomb attack on Israeli vehicle


Glass bottle of paint thrown towards IDF force near El Arub

IDF force identified near Migdal Oz 2 Arabs placing fake explosive rocket aimed at the community.  1 of the suspects was apprehended. 

3 fire bombs towards IDF post at Kever Rachel

Fire bomb thrown on IDF force near Tekoa

February 23, 2014

IDF force revealed 2 pipe bombs and fire bomb hidden on 2 Arabs from Tul Karem while on patrol west of Tul Karem.  The Arabs are being detained and the explosive devices were detonated by the bomb squad.

February 18

In the morning a powerful explosive device was discovered and neutralized with no injuries by the IDF force in an operation of the IDF in southern Gaza.  The explosive device was placed near the security fence and aimed at IDF troops.  The terror organizations are constantly aiming terror attacks against Israeli troops and civilians.

Ramat Hagolan: In an open area near Tek Chezka 2 mortars fell from the battles in Syria.


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