From Yehudit Tayar for January 15-22, 2014
Fire bombs: 16 – 3 were confiscated before the terrorists could attack
Rock attacks:
Over 20 attacks by Arab terrorists with rocks :
Har Hevron rock thrown from passing car to Israeli vehicle
Hevron on Bet Hadassah
Gush Etzion-Hevron Highway
Ma'aleh Shomron
Near Migdalim
Highway 446, 2 kilometers west of Neve Yair
Road between Kiryat Arba and Hevron
Mod'in Jerusalem Highway 443
Hawawara south of Shechem
Highway 55 near Nebi Elias
Dir Nizam
El Arub IDF force attacked Etzion Region
Carmei Zur Israeli protestors against violence on the roads attacked by rocks
Hizma –Benjamin Region
Shomron: Highway 55 near Tachsin Gas Station
Israeli attacked by Arab youth with rocks as he walked on the road linking Kiryat Arba and Hevron near Erez Junction
School bus attacked between Tapuah and Migdalim in the Shomron
Southern Hevron Hills Israeli bus attacked near Neguhot
Shooting attacks:
Resident of Gilad Farm reported shooting attack as driving from Kedumim from passing Arab car by Git Junction as depicted in photograph. 2 bullets hit the vehicle – B"H no injured
Etzion Region: near Migdal Oz terrorist caught with improvised weapon by IDF force – the terrorist shot off 3 bullets before he was apprehended.
Benjamin Region Single shot fired by Arab terrorist near Neria the security patrol of Neria in the Western Benjamin Region heard the gunshot. The terrorist escaped to Dir Amar after discarding his weapon when discovered and chased by the security patrol of the community Neria.
Missile Attacks from Gaza to southern Israel including Ashdod, Ashkelon,Eilat regions - some of the schools were closed because of the rocket fire.
IAF and IDF attacked terrorists positions in Gaza and in a joint operation were able to eliminate terrorist Achmed Machmud J'ama Halil Zaanin born 1992, resident of Bet Hanun active in Terrorist organization, Hazit Amamit and involved in the past years in many terror attacks including rocket fire into Israel, many attempts to set off explosive devices, sharpshooting and shooting against IDF tanks and troops in the Israeli region near Gaza.
This report is only from the past few days, and the amount of terror attacks continue encouraged by the heads of the PA even while the supposed talks for a settlement in this region go on.
It is not difficult to imagine what the situation would be if Israel would not have a civilian and military presence in these vital areas- the destruction of Gush Katif and the continued attacks from Gaza should be fair warning.
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