Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Adelson Plain Speaking

Asked about Secretary of State John Kerry’s plan to infuse as much as $4 billion into the economy of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, much of it to build tourism, Mr. Adelson responded, “Why would I want to invest money with people who want to kill my people?”
“How can you move a ball forward when the Israelis legitimately want peace and the Palestinians want Israel piece by piece?” he said of Mr. Kerry’s broader effort to revive the stalemated peace process. “Have you ever heard any Palestinian say, ‘We have to give up our hope of destroying Israel in favor of living in peace.’ ?”
 As for the Palestinians, Mr. Adelson said, “They teach their children that Jews are descended from swine and apes, pigs and monkeys.” Then he questioned their existence as a distinct ethnic group, saying they were “southern Syrians” or Egyptians until Yasir Arafat, who was leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, “came along with a pitcher of Kool-Aid and gave it to everybody to drink and sold them the idea of Palestinians.”



From J Street's Jeremy:

...Adelson is working just as hard to make sure they fail. His is a recipe for unending conflict and generations of suffering on all sides.
Nothing will ever change Sheldon Adelson’s mind. But that doesn’t mean we can just let his outrageous claims and statements go unchallenged. That’s why this year at the fourth national J Street conference, Our Time To Lead, we want to bring more Palestinian pro-peace voices than ever to Washington, DC in support of a two-state solution.
Can you pitch in $7 to help us show Sheldon Adelson he's wrong by bringing more Palestinian voices than ever before to our conference?
You didn’t let Adelson’s millions distort the election last year, and we won’t let them derail Secretary Kerry’s hard work for peace either. That’s why it’s so important that the thought leaders in Washington, the members of Congress and administration officials who will be at the conference, hear from young Palestinian business leaders, peace activists and government representatives - along with their Israeli counterparts - who are working to make the two-state solution a reality.
Adelson asked “have you ever heard any Palestinian say, ‘we have to give up our hope of destroying Israel in favor of living in peace?’” At Our Time To Lead, September 28-October 1 in Washington, DC, he certainly will.


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