Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What Did Yizhar Hess Actually Say?

Was the following actually said at at a session of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors, which is meeting in Jerusalem this week?

“Let’s be honest,” Yizhar Hess, head of the Conservative movement in Israel, told the participants. “This is a historic accident. The Temple Mount was liberated and then abandoned. Now it is in complete captivity, in the hands of an extremist group of Muslims led by the Waqf and the Islamic Movement. We strengthen the hands of Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky who took on himself this important mission of returning the Temple to the Jewish people, but we will only be able to bless the final outcome when we see it.”

No, of course not.

This was what was said:-

“Let’s be honest,” Yizhar Hess,


head of the Conservative movement in Israel, told the participants. “This is a historic accident. The Kotel was liberated and then abandoned. Now it is in complete captivity, in the hands of an extremist group that represents a minority of the Jewish people. We strengthen the hands of Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky who took on himself this important mission of returning the Kotel to the Jewish people, but we will only be able to bless the final outcome when we see it.”

He was talking about the efforts of the Women of the Wall to pray.



  1. The first thing he should do is wipe the silly grin from his face. The first thing WE should do is align ourselves with all dati and Haredi groups. We must obliterate the notion that only the Haredim care about halakha and its observance.

  2. Sorry I am posting here , but I could not find you your e-mail on your blog.

    I just wanted to suggest a an important video for your blog -

    It is a different video because it shows how countries such as Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria are involved in the Palestinian oppression instead of the usual of just blaming Israel. It is very professionally done and most of the information is not seen on the main-stream media at all.

    Please let me know if it would be something you might be interested in posting.

    Thanks for your time!
    -Mike (
