Friday, February 15, 2013

Gorenberg Gores Judith Butler and Gets Cut

Following her Brooklyn College appearance:-

...Butler states that "nearly 25 percent of Israel’s population is not Jewish, and most of those are Palestinian, although some of them are Bedouins and Druse." The figure of 25 percent apparently comes from official Israeli statistics—which treat East Jerusalem as part of Israel, and therefore include its Palestinians residents in Israel's population. Without East Jerusalem, the proportion of non-Jews is lower. 

Perhaps Butler regards East Jerusalem as sovereign Israeli territory, but this doesn't seem consistent with her other views.

 He continues but himself seems to blur facts, referring to Arabs in Israel as "Palestinians", as if there is a "Palestine":-

When Butler states that "Palestinians are barred from military service," she again touches a real issue but gets the basic facts wrong. There's no bar on Palestinian citizens serving in the IDF. Most are exempted. Druse men are drafted. A large portion of Beduin men and a much smaller portion of other Palestinians volunteer.

That's odd.

"There's no bar on Palestinian citizens serving in the IDF. Most are exempted. Druse men are drafted. A large portion of Beduin men and a much smaller portion of other Palestinians volunteer".?

So, all Arabs are now "Palestinians"?  What do we do with those Jews that actually were citizens of the only "Palestine" that existed, the British Mandate that was intended to reconstitute the Jewish national home due to the Jewish people's historic connection to the country (and not mentioning the term "Arab" once).

And Beduin are not Arabs?  Not Muslims?  Why this distinction?  Oh, you mean they want to remain Israeli rather than some other Arab state?

And a third:

Butler goes on to say that "the Knesset debates the 'transfer' of the Palestinian population to the West Bank...there have been far-right Knesset members who support "transfer." Their ideas are abhorrent. Whether awful ideas should be banned from Knesset discussion is another question. The fact that someone has expressed an abhorrent idea in parliament should not be used as a statement about the parliament as a whole.
Gershom should know that the "transfer" she refers to is the new war crime the Rome Statute created just for Israel, ignoring the historical reality that it was Arab violence that kicked Jews out of their homes in Judea, Samaria and Gaza in 1929, 1936-39 and 1947-48.  That was ethnic cleansing, Arab-done. 


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