Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Imbalance of Obama

From Barack Obama's UN speech:

Let us leave behind those who thrive on conflict, and those who reject the right of Israel to exist.

If you think this is extracted out-of-context, here's the whole paragraph:
Among Israelis and Palestinians, the future must not belong to those who turn their backs on the prospect of peace. Let us leave behind those who thrive on conflict, and those who reject the right of Israel to exist. The road is hard but the destination is clear – a secure, Jewish state of Israel; and an independent, prosperous Palestine. Understanding that such a peace must come through a just agreement between the parties, America will walk alongside all who are prepared to make that journey.

And yes, he also said this:

...It is time to marginalize those who – even when not resorting to violence – use hatred of America, or the West, or Israel as a central principle of politics. For that only gives cover, and sometimes makes excuses, for those who resort to violence.

And this:

...Make no mistake: a nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained. It would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy.

But getting back to that first statement.

Am I to understand (and do you, too) that Obama is setting up to opposite baddies - Jews/Israelis who "thrive on conflict" and Arabs who "reject Israel's right to exist"?  Is that his thinking?

Could there not be Jews who realized that long ago the conflict, i.e., Arab terror seeking to deny Jews national rights anywhere in the Land of Israel, began when Jews were not "occupiers", had not constructed "settlements" and in fact, were residing in those locations Obama and his Arab friends consider not to belong to the Jews like Hebron, Gaza, Shchem and Jerusalem's Old City?

Is Obama a rational human being?  Cannot he not know this history?

So, is Obama imbalanced or unbalanced?


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