Monday, July 23, 2012

The Resurrection of Brit Shalom

Brit Shalom is renewing itself.

23 Jaffa Gallery (above the main post office), Jerusalem, Monday, July 23, 18:00-20:30 [isn't that a government ministry building?]

In the twenties of last century, a movement was founded in Jerusalem, which advocated consistently and resolutely, a radical idea then as now - a joint, bi - national, Jewish - Arab state, from the sea to the Jordan. Among its founders was to be found some of the greatest intellectuals of Jewish world then - Martin Buber, Gershom Scholem, Hugo Bergmann and Judah Leon Magnes, who had communications with intellectual giants Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt and Mahatma Gandhi. Alongside their desire for a Jewish - Arab entity free from imperialist influences, those of Brit Shalom defined themselves as Zionists, and were a prominent part of the Zionist discourse of their time.

Today, in 2012, when Zionism has become deadlocked and the idea of ​​a revival is surprisingly common among the left and right alike, begins to roll the idea of creating Brit Shalom again.

"Covenant of Peace in 2012" will have to face new challenges to integrate into the current political fabric - in their 20s did not speak in sound bytes, and political groups did not feel the need to acquire a logo or beautiful/handsome MCs. On the other hand - in the 1920s they were unable to mobilize support through social networks, or establish virtual communities.

And the program:
18:00 to 18:30 - Dr. Amnon (Nunu) Raz - Krakotzkin: "Brit Shalom", Forward - to the east and the idea of Bi-nationalism."
18:30 to 19:30 - Panel - Dialogue: Thinking challenges - then and now national
19:30 to 20:30 - an Open Dialogue

Organizers: Ronen Eidelman and July Khromchenko

A depressed progressive retrogresses.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't that a bi-national state?

    Its the very antithesis of mainstream Zionist thinking.

    Both Zionists and Arab nationalists reject it.

    There is zero chance Brit Shalom's descendant will get any further with its hare-brained idea than its ill-fated predecessor did over a century ago.

    Bad ideas - and movements - don't deserve resurrection.
