Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Does APN Think There are "Guilty Israelis"?

Seems Americans for Peace Now believes there are guilty Israelis who may be targets for Arab terror.

A Twitter exchange:-

O Nir APN Spokesman ‏@OriNir_APN

APN Condemns Bulgaria bombing targeting innocent Israeli civilians

ymedad ymedad ‏@ymedad

er, what then are "guilty" Israelis? me?

10:21 PM - 18 Jul 12 via web
not funny O Nir APN Spokesman (@OriNir_APN) to you (@ymedad) on Jul 18, 10:23 PM.

Which, of course, was my point exactly. His terminology is immoral as it implies there are "guilty" Israelis, maybe like me, who could be legitimate targets.



  1. come on. give people space to say things they think are of good intent. picking on the use of "innocent Israeli civilians" as a cover for some deeper underlying malevolence is legalistic, sophomoric and not worth the time. Seriously. You do too much good work to stoop to this level.

  2. dear Anon.:

    thanks for the compliment but it is the mindless thinking of the Left that is the problem and letting this slip by without notice would be - not me.

  3. and take a see how the NYTimes "balances" between innocent & guilty in its today's story on the bombing:

    Paragraph 14 of the story —

    “… Bellicose adversaries, Israel and Iran have a long history of accusing each other of terrorist attacks. Iran, which does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and has sometimes referred to Israel as a Zionist plague on the Middle East, has blamed Israeli agents for a string of assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists over the past five years, for which Iran has vowed revenge. …”

  4. wait, did the NYT indicate that Israel initiated terror for which Iran is taking revenge?

  5. journals and for six years had a weekly media show on Arutz 7 radio. I serve as an unofficial spokesperson for the Jewish Communities in Judea & Samaria

  6. currently, I work at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem. I was a guest media columnist on media affairs for The Jerusalem Post, op-ed contributor to various

  7. Knesset and a Minister during 1981-1994, lectured at the Academy for National Studies 1977-1994, was director of Israel's Media Watch 1995-2000

  8. American born, my wife and I moved to Israel in 1970. We have lived at Shiloh together with our family since 1981. I was in the Betar youth movement in the US and UK.
