Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Now the "Fake Graves" Story

I have attended meetings devoted to the efforts to provide proper and adequate security for the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives. A friend, Jeff Daube, is very active. The desecration of those graves during the 19-year Jordanian illegal occupation when tens of thousands were disturbed, destroyed and renoved for construction purposes as well as for walkways and latrine covers is well documented. The desecration continues and recently American elected officials were stoned there.

But this item highlights what I have termed the 'inventivity/disinventivity' model of Palestinianism, whereby the Arabs make-up elements of their presumed historical connections to this land as a national group and at the same time attempt to deny and delegitimize any proven Jewish connection to the Land

The occupation plants thousands of fake graves around Al-Aqsa

A Jerusalemite Foundation unveiled a significant escalation in the occupation authorities’ activities in implementing [sic] fake Jewish graves around Al Aqsa Mosque and the Old City of Jerusalem, attempting to “forge and Judaize the city’s history.”

Al-Aqsa Foundation for Waqf and Heritage said, in a report released on Monday that the occupation, through its executive power in the city of Jerusalem, is implanting [or is that implementing, see above] thousands of fake Jewish graves around Al-Aqsa Mosque and in the Old City, under governmental decisions...The foundation considered that through such operations, the occupation intends to Judaize all the area surrounding Al-Aqsa as well as the Old City, and is trying to impose its control on Palestinian endowment lands in order to implant graves, settlements, Talmudic gardens and Jewish institutions. It added: “The occupation is falsifying the geography, the history and the monuments in order to legitimize the implantation of the Jewish fake graves and Jewish fake holy sites.”

The report pointed out that the empty graves were implanted at the pretext of carrying out repair and maintenance works as well as engineering surveys and statistics. It is noted that the Israeli authorities prohibit the restoration of the Islamic historical graves in the city of Jerusalem and are demolishing and washing away hundreds of them.

How can we make peace with such an irrational mindset shared by the majority of Arabs in Judea and Samaria?


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