Sunday, May 13, 2012

A New York ¡No Pasarán!

I have received this (edited):-

The Celebrate Israel Parade on June 3rd is a joyous event...So why are organizations dedicated to destroying Israel's economy   through boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) being given the privilege of marching with us?...This year, New Israel Fund is  slated to march again, and we expect B'Tselem and the other groups will once again join NIF, displaying their banners...some of which promote boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel.

...We who count ourselves among Israel's true supporters believe that Jewish groups that organize for the economic destruction of other Jews should not be given the honor of marching with our community. Furthermore, we must be mindful of the example we set for our children.  Do we teach them that it's acceptable to try to harm other Jews and weaken Israel?

...When Jewish groups hear that organizations linked to the   Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions movement are permitted to march in the   parade, they're astounded and puzzled. Why would the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), which   officially organizes the parade, permit such anti-Israel organizations to   participate?

I believe the answer may lie in the political ideology of John Ruskay, CEO of   the UJA-Federation of New York. Dr. Ruskay exerts significant influence on the JCRC through his organization's funding. Published reports show John Ruskay worked with Noam Chomsky in one of   the first political bash Israel groups; CONAME (Committee On New Alternatives in The Middle East).  John Ruskay also gave over one million dollars of UJA-Federation donations to a radical political group, funded by George Soros, Jewish Funds for Justice.

The   issue is clear: Jews who actively work to economically sabotage Israel should not be included in the Celebrate Israel Parade. We ask that you join us in making your views known to the Jewish Community Relations Council and the UJA-Federation New York.

That was the opinion of Richard Allen, a New York business   executive and founder of JCC Watch, an NGO established to monitor interaction   between American Jewish organizations, and groups that support boycott,   divestment, and sanctions against Israel.

What will happen?


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