Sunday, April 01, 2012

This Is Called "Low Intensity"

I have been sent this and it's about time material like this is available:

These reports are courtesy of Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron (phone # - 02-5363106 it seems)
and are approved by the IDF.  Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron is a voluntary emergency rescue organization that works along with the IDF, 669 Airborn Rescue, the security forces in the various communities of Yesha, and the Jordan Valley and is on call 24/7 on a strictly voluntary basis.

March 22, 2012

3 Molotov cocktails thrown on Israeli vehicle next to the border check on the  Jerusalem- Gush Etzion Tunnel Road

March 23, 2012
Massive rock attacks against Israeli vehicles Gush Etzion-Hebron Highway near Halhul.  Damage to vehicles.
Arab terrorists tried to damage IDF checkpost near Kiryat Arba

March 24, 2012
IDF spokesman: an attempted stabbing was thwarted during Shabbat near Elon Moreh in the Shomron .  4 Arabs apprehended armed with knives admitted that they came to murder IDF soldier. 
IDF checkpost south of Shechem Arab arrested armed with gun.
IDF spokesman: Previous week 5 Arab terrorists were arrested by IDF special forces in the Ramallah region
Arab terrorist arrested in Ramallah region suspect for the shooting incident against IDF soldiers two years ago.
El Bira, Ramallah, 2 Arab terrorists members of Hamas arrested for shooting incidents, planning of terror, and hiding weapons.
Rock attacks against Israeli vehicles south west of Hebron near Zif causing damage.
Rock attacks against Israeli vehicles north west of Ramallah .
Rock attacks against IDF soldiers near Yitzhar Junction in the Shomron.

March 25, 2012
Unarmed soldier serving in the Home Front was attacked in Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood of Jerusalem by 2 Arab terrorists who beat him and injured him in the face, soldier taken in moderate condition to hospital for treatment.
Rock attack against Israeli vehicle between Beth Arieh and Peduel, female driver lightly injured .

March 26,2012
During the day rocks thrown in Hebron region including towards the IDF post in the Kasba (Arab market) of Hebron.
Rock attacks in the Shomron against Israeli vehicles.

March 27, 2012
Special Forces of IDF in operation west of Ramallah in village of Kfar Ramon IDF soldier attacked and stabbed by terrorist in moderate condition taken to Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem for medical treatment. IDF response to attack: 3 terrorists wounded taken to Sha'are Zeddek and Ein Karem Hospitals in Jerusalem for medical treatment.
IDF pillbox set on fire by Arab terrorists near Kiryat Arba Hebron.
Rock attacks against Israeli vehicles on Gush Etzion-Hebron highway.  Bus hit and  heavily; damaged one passenger injured.  Truck overturned following massive rock attacks, 2 injured passengers in the truck.
Israeli vehicle driven by resident of Kedumim attacked by rocks between Gilad Farm and Yitzhar . 
Molotov thrown at female resident of Kedumim at Azun Junction in the Shomron.
4 Molotovs thrown at IDF force El-Hader Junction.
Jit Junction near Karnei Shomron attempted theft of Israeli vehicle from Jewish woman who lost her husband in a terror attack.  She escaped unharmed.
Near north entrance of Efrat massive rock attacks on Israeli vehicles.

March 28, 2012
North of Kiryat Arba massive rock attacks near Bet Enun Junction.
Massive rock attacks between Ariel and Tapuach Junction, also near Ma'aleh Shomron Junction, and on the Shekef Road near Neguhot in the southern Hebron HIlls.
2 Border Policemen attacked by Arab terrorists near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, the terrorists were arrested.

March 29, 2012
Massive rock attacks on Israeli vehicles near Har Gilo.
Rock attack on Israeli vehicle near Kiryat Arba driving towards the Jewish community of Hebron.
Near Migdalim community in the Jordan Valley Molotov thrown on vehicle with 2 IDF officers inside.
Jerusalem: Near Kalandia border check Arab terrorists attacked military with 2 Molotov Cocktails, and rocks.
Israeli bus attacked with rocks and damaged on Gush Etzion-Hebron Highway near Bet Umar.

March 30, 2012
4 Molotov Cocktails and rocks thrown at Border Patrol soldiers near Kever Rachel, (Rachel's Tomb) Bethlehem.
Rock attacks at Kalandia Checkpost.
Rock attacks on IDF soldiers near El Arub on the Gush Etzion-Hebron Highway.
Rock attacks in Kadum, Shomron.
Rock attacks at Arek Burin
Rock attacks in Issuwiya, Jerusalem Region Border Patrol Police captured one of the terrorists involved in the attack.
Rock attacks near Nebe Tzalach.
Rock attacks near Carmei Zur.
3 Molotov Cocktails thrown at Border Police check post near Shuafat Refugee Camp.
Molotov Cocktail thrown on Border Police patrol near Anata damage to jeep.
3 Molotov Cocktails and rocks attacking Border Police patrol near Abu Dis.
Rock attacks in Ras El Amud suspected terrorist arrested.
Molotov Cocktail and rock attacks Calandia check post.
Israeli vehicles attacked by rocks near Kiryat Arba next to Bet Enun village.
Rock attacks on community of Itamar.
Rock attacks on Israeli vehicles in East Jerusalem. Vehicle that was attacked was with IDF special-forces who arrested 2 terrorists.
Rock attacks at Rantis against Israeli taxi cab.
Molotov attacks against Border Police at Anata.
Near Kiryat Arba pipe bomb thrown at Bet Anun Junction.
Near Erez Lane Kiryat Arba, the path for Jews to go up to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron to pray, an young Arab was caught carrying a knife by the IDF.

March 31, 2012
Molotov thrown at IDF post near Neguhot in the Sothern Hebron Hills.
Fake explosive device made up from a gas balloon was left next to the security fence in the Harsina neighborhood of Kiryat Arba.
Fireworks fired at Border Police post in Atarot.
Rocks thrown at IDF check post in Kalandia.
Riots in Issuwiya resulting in moderate injuries to 2 policemen, 19 of the Arab rioters were arrested.
Damage to security fence by Kalkiliya as a result of explosion of gas balloons left hidden in pipes.
Rock attacks against IDF in Hebron.
I removed a few items that dealt with Gaza Strip. Have a low intensity day. ^

1 comment:

  1. This is war. low intensity nothing! IDF should hit these cowards 10 times as hard! They will not stop until the IDF do. They only respect people who can kill more of them than they do! I feel a B Goldstein coming on!!
