Monday, April 02, 2012

The Obama Seder's Four Questions

This just dropped into my mailbox (k/t=NP):

For Friday night's Obama White House seder, we hear there's talk of an alternate version of the traditional four questions:

Introductory Question

Mr. President, why is this administration different from all other administrations?

First Question Why is it that all other administrations acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but this administration refuses to say Jerusalem is even located in Israel?

Second Question Why is it that all other administrations try to be friendly to the democratically elected prime minister of Israel, but this administration is bitter towards him?

Third Question Why is it that all other administrations try not to pick fights with Israel even once, but this administration picks fights with Israel more than twice?

Fourth Question Why is it that in other administrations the president visits both Muslim and Jewish states, but this administration visits only Muslim states?


1 comment:

  1. Yisrael,

    Direct your question to the stupid son, Ehud Barak, for whom the law and property rights mean nothing.

    He just issued an order that Jews living in Beit Machepela in Hebron be kicked out for "security" reasons. Never mind that the house in question was lawfully acquired.

    What country prohibits Jews from living next to the tomb of their ancestors?

