Monday, April 02, 2012

More "Low Intensity"

In a follow-up to my "Low Intensity" post, concerning terror and violence directed at Jews in Judea and DSamaria, I asked Yehudit Tayar to supply me with any old material she had. 

For the record.

Here is what I received (and I hope I'll be able to keep this up):-

Arab Armed Attacks on Israel #3

All of these reports are through Hatzala Yehuda and Shomron, a voluntary emergency rescue organization that works along- side of the IDF and 669 Air-born Rescue, and coordinated and approved by IDF.Yehudit Tayar

March 7, 2012
Arab terrorists attack IDF post near El Arub village on the Gush Etzion-Hebron Highway  Arab terrorists attack Israeli vehicle between Neve Zuf and Ofarim in the Benjamin Region of the ShomronArab terrorists mistakenly attacked Arab car with Molotov cocktails near Dir Abu Mashal.  No injuries.

March 8, 2012
Yet another rocket attack from Gaza, missile hit in the southern part of Israel in field of an agricultural community and by miracle no injuriesIDF soldier attacked and stabbed by Arab terrorists in the village of Yatza near Hebron while making an arrest.  One terrorist was eliminated by the IDF soldier after he was attacked, and one more terrorist injured seriously the injured terrorist was taken by ambulance to hospitals. The soldier taken by military ambulance in serious condition with a deep stab wound to his neck to Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.The photo coverage of the murderous attack and the bravery of the IDF soldier can be seen on the Facebook of Hatzala Yehuda and Shomron. Arab terrorists attacked community of Bet El with 4 molotov cocktails Arab terrorists attacked vehicles near Betar with rocks causing damage but no injuriesArab terrorist attacked Border Police in Ras El Amud, Jerusalem with Molotov cocktails  

March 9, 2012 2 Mortar attacks from Gaza landed near border inside of IsraelArab terrorists attacked Israeli vehicles with rocks north of Hebron near HalhulArab terrorists attacked Israeli vehicles and buses near Zif Junction in the southern Hebron HIlls

March 10,2012Massive rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza hit Israeli civilian communities putting the entire south of Israel in alert Molotov and rock attacks against Jewish vehicles in Hebron From the beginning of Shabbat until 19:11 over 100 rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza into Israel, 1 seriously injured, 2 moderately injured, 1 lightly injured aside from the victims of trauma from the continuous attacks against civilian communities.Rock attacks on the IDF post near Tel Romano,  HebronSilwan (Shiloach) Jerusalem 2 molotov cocktail attacks on home causing fireMassive rock attacks on Israeli vehicles near Betar Illit

March 11, 2012 Massive rock attacks against Israeli cars on the Gush-Etzion-Hebron Road- damage caused to several vehiclesIsraeli bus attacked by rocks on Gush Etzion-Hebron Highway Over 140 rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza against Israel 14:21Rock attacks on Israeli vehicles between Efrat and Tekoa, causing damageSecurity fence of Itamar attacked with rocksMassive rock attacks against Israeli buses and vehicles south of Shechem 22:45 180 rocket missile and mortar attacks against Israel. List of casualties  1 seriously injured 2 moderately injured6 lightly injured 12 victims of trauma Many animals were injured by the rocket fire: horses, hundreds of chickens, 2 dogs amongst the injured animals

and much older:

Terror Attacks Directed Against Israel March 20 – 26 2011
Hatzalah Yehuda, Shomron and Jordan ValleyTranslated by Yehudit Tayar

84 Mortar attacks on the south of Israel 17 Missile attacks on the south of Israel –Kassam and Grad Missiles1 Anti-tank attack 1 moderately injured from the missile attacks and dozens of trauma Scores of attacks on the roads of Yesha on Israeli civilian and security vehicles: 1 civilian, 1 officer and 5 security personal injured as a result of the attacksTerrorist bomb in Jerusalem: 1 murdered, 65 injured; some seriously injured and some moderately injured as a result of the terror attack. 1 soldier injured in the Jordan Valley after being attacked by terroristArab caught by security in Hevron carrying a large knife admits to plans to attack and murder in Hevron

Violent Attacks Directed Against Israel Hatzalah Yehuda Shomron and the Jordan Valley
July 10-17 2011–07–18
Translated by Yehudit Tayar

24 Missile attacks directed and hit the south of Israel IAF attacked and hit two tunnels used for terror attacks against Israel, four ammunition and weapons factories, and four terror bases in GazaJudea and Samaria massive rock throwing attacks and Molotov bottles directed against Israeli civilians and military on the roadsTwo border policemen were moderately injured 1 explosive device directed against Israeli security forces 9 fire bombs thrown at Israeli security forces in "Israeli Arab town of Isawiya" near Jerusalem, caused damage to the security vehiclesCivilian bus attacked and damaged by rock attacks near Bet Umar on the Jerusalem/Hevron highwayNorth of Shechem near Mt. Eval, 2 explosive devices were detonated by Israeli security

Violent Attacks Against Israel Year 2010 
Hatzallah Yehudah and Shomron Report Translated by Yehudit Tayar

Ten Israeli casualties and forty wounded As a result of rock attacks: 198 security men injured 174 policemen and border police injured; one seriously injuredCivilians injured: Lightly: 100 Moderately: 7 ; some of whom needed surgery on their jaw, and one was blindedTourists injured: 3 lightly as a result of Arab violence and road blocks put on roads in order to attack travelers150 Arabs arrested in military check-posts when caught carrying knives; 75 carried the weapons on their person, 37 in their cars, and 37 in their tools.  29 of the arrested admitted that they intended to perpetrate terror attacks 1 terrorist eliminated by the security forces and 1 injured Staff Sergeant Ehab Chatiib z"l was murdered in a terrorist shooting in the Tapuach Junction, in Samaria A tourist was wounded in Netanya by a terror attack Two women were attacked in Nataf, near Jerusalem, one was seriously injured the other was murdered, and this is yet to be called a terror attackIn check-posts and during security activities in Judea and Samaria 52 explosive devices were uncovered, and in addition security forces were attacked in the following incidents:  Shooting incidents at security forces: 13Attempted hit and run terror incidents: 9 In shooting attacks and explosive devices this year 16 security forces were injured, and 6 civilians were injured At least 263 rocket and mortar attacks on Israel from GazaMortar attacks: 90Kassam Rocket attacks: 82 In addition 68 mortar and 23 Kassam Rockets that were shot at Israel landed inside of the GazaRocket fire directed towards Eilat Injuries and killings due to rocket and mortar fire from Gaza:1 foreign worker killed 1 security coordinator and 2 soldiers injured moderately from shrapnel3 civilians injured lightly and 12 civilians suffered anxiety attacks following the missile attacks in southern Israel  November 2010 Two Arab workers, citizens of Israel from East Jerusalem who worked in the British consulate were caught by the security forces.  They had planned a series of terror attacks including a missile attack on the soccer stadium in Jerusalem during a gameShooting incidents along the security separation fence with gaza: 70 Incidents two of which were directed toward civilians and not military targets Anti-tank fire: 12 attacks directed against Israeli positions, one was a "Cornet Missile" Explosive devices set off against Israeli security forces: 35 IAF attacked 21 terror tunnels, 27 smuggling tunnels, 15 bomb factories, 18 terror positions, and 11 terrorist cells

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