Thursday, April 05, 2012

Maybe They Think Zimmerman is An Israeli?

The hullabaloo over the atrocious media bias, from mainstream across-to-the-far-left, in the incident of the shooting of Trayvon Martin by a George Zimmerman as a racist by selectively editing his 911 call is growing.  Even the New York Times is guilty -

The selective edit in the print edition (not repeated, apparently, in all editions) is worse than the online edit, because it omits any hint of a question from the dispatcher, suggesting that Zimmerman simply volunteered the information that Trayvon Martin "looked black." The Times has not yet issued a correction or apology.

More here.

Do they think Zimmermsan is an Israeli that they can throw professional ethics and common decency to the wind and treat him as a piece of garbage?

Just to save a black progressive president.


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