Saturday, April 07, 2012

Execution In Accordance With Religion

Thanks to IMRA:-

Al Qassam website- Gaza- Palestinian ministry of interior in Gaza Strip implemented on Saturday three death sentences by executed [executing?] three men, two convicted of committing delibrate murder crimes, while the other man found guilty of collaborating with Israeli occupation forces, interior ministry announced...The executions were carried out "in accordance with our religion, rulings of the Palestinian law and in preserving the rights of citizens and achieving the security of the community", the statement said...


Is this Arab to be considered a collaborator whose life (and limb and that of his family) be threatened likewise with death?

Palestinian held over Hebron home sale to settlers

A Palestinian man suspected of selling property to Israeli settlers in Hebron has been
detained by the national security forces in connection to a building evacuated by Israeli forces on Wednesday...Security officials say the man -- identified only by his initials, M.S. -- originally from the Gaza Strip was involved in the effort to make the transaction, which would have been invalid under Palestinian law. [since at least 1997 see note 1]


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