Sunday, April 01, 2012

Best Pessimistic News Yet

My good acquaintance, Daoub Kuttab pointed me here, where I read:

Ahmed Qurei...was quoted as saying that the time for establishing a true Palestinian state had passed.
"We must not continue to deceive ourselves and our people. The chance for the establishment of a real Palestinian state, that would be truly viable and enjoy territorial continuity, is over. We therefore must seek an alternative, namely the establishment of a unitary state between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean in which all people can live equally as citizens irrespective of their religion of ethnicity," Qurei said.

..."I believe that everyone has lost hope for the two-state solution. And I think that President Mahmoud Abbas is one of those who believe that pursuing the vision of having a viable Palestinian state has been reduced to a sort of wishful thinking given Israel's phenomenal settlement expansion. I think the one-state solution will be the Palestinian strategy for the future."

...Some PA pundits have speculated that Abbas might resort to dismantling the PA once and for all and let the international community take care of the situation.
The "international community" will take care of nothing. Your best bet, Pals., is to make peace and accept Israel and liove a very good life. ^

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