Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fishman's Fallen (oops, Fishman's Fallen Angel)

Tzvi Fishman is a good friend.  Good in the sense of close and good in the sense of a precious mencsh.

His new book, Fallen Angel, is out and it can be purchased here.

The blurb:

Harry Walsh is a brilliant, cynical, whoring conman, the bestseller author of phony "spiritual" self-help books. In past reincarnations, he appeared again and again as some of world history's most infamous and murderous characters, including Cain, Nimrod, Bilaam the Sorceror, Nebuchadnezzar, Antiochus, Titus, Muhammad, and King Richard the Lionhearted, to mention just a few. Now, the Almighty has decided to give Harry one last chance to change his errant ways. But when an angel arrives in New York with the mission of convincing Harry to set his present licentious life in order and break free from his sordid past, the angel himself falls to the temptations of the fast life in America as he tours around the country with the ribald celebrity. This modern day fable if filled with humor and hilarious escapades as it traces the unlikely friendship that springs up between the angel and the soul-stained writer. Along the way, the reader is taken on a roller-coaster ride through world history, encountering, along with Harry, startling insights and deep, poignant truths which have the power to illuminate the spiritual darkness of our times and add the Divine light and connection that is missing from our lives.

And since Arutz 7 took it off its website, it must be good.



  1. What a prince of a human being and a clear thinking Jew.

  2. But of course. We've drunk from the same cups.
