Monday, November 21, 2011

Israel is the Muslims' Litmus Test

From this blog of a Syrian expatriate:

This brings us to Israel.

Forget moderate vs. extremist, or Sufi vs. Hanbali. There are only two kinds of Muslims today. The Muslim who wants to see his people flourish and believes it can get done not only if he defeats the dark forces of extremism by allying himself/herself with enlightened and knowledgeable civilizations.

...When the US State Department empowers the Muslim Brotherhood, it is engaged in simply continuing the tradition started under the Arab dictators of throwing away good Muslims to replace them with bad ones.

If you want true freedom and prosperity, learn how to accept everyone that calls for freedom and democracy starting with Israel. But if you want another dark era of ignorance and religious oppression, then be a Crude Muslim and join the Muslim Brotherhood.

Therefore, Israel is the Litmus test for all Muslims in the region that defines whether you are for freedom or oppression, democracy or autocracy, human rights or abusers of rights. The discussion ends here and now.

And let's leave history out of this conversation because the dead cannot testify or decide for the living.


1 comment:

  1. Inspiring post from Mr. Ghadry!

    "And let's leave history out of this conversation because the dead cannot testify or decide for the living."

    So true -- it's always good to leave the dead folks out of it. They may be very biased.

    'Blessed be My people Egypt and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.'

    ~Isaiah 19:25
