Wednesday, August 24, 2011

At the Glenn Beck Dinner

After participating at the Eric Kantor press conference:

where he was sneak attacked, well, almost, by CNN demanding to know who was on the delegation of Congressmen and how much mony was involved and why were they here and not helping Obama with the finances of the US (taking a lead from Counterpunch) , and attending a family event welcoming a visiting cousin-once-removed, I attended the Glenn Beck Dinner at the Bible Lands Museum, administered by my friend Amanda Weiss.

Again, the message was we in Israel have a strong ally in the United States, one that is commited politically to a strong Israel and one that should exercise its historic rights in the country.  Beck will be going on to South Africa this week to highlight what real apartheid was and shame those who claim Israel is so.

Some scenes:

a)  Ariel Mayor Ron Nahman will Pastor John Hagee and Jon Voight:

b)  Rabbi Shlomo Riskin in conversation:

c) my very good and close friends, Marc Prowisor of One Israel Fund, Ruthie Lieberman of Jaffe Strategies and Josh Hasten, of the Algemeiner Journal and Bar-AM PR (l-r)

d) HaYovel's Tommy Waller with Ariel Fund's Avi Zimmerman:

I met some extremely dedicated people from the United States, working to assure Israel's security and the fulfillment of its historic destiny as a true light for the nations.

The talk was highbeat and way up.

I also hope some of my projects will be moved along as well.


1 comment:

  1. Amongst some lovely fig trees I see! Glenn Beck is brilliant to go to South Africa! I never knew he was going but he is so wonderful!!
