Friday, March 25, 2011

How Do You Define Colonization?

Over at Mondoweiss (always a dangerous journey), I found this:

I say all the time that American Jews have supported the settlement project...When Israel disappears as a Jewish state-- an inevitability of the unending colonization project-- it will be these fools who the American Jewish community will then turn on.

I felt an urge reading that to ask:

Just to be clear, when you write: "When Israel disappears as a Jewish state-- an inevitability of the unending colonization project-- it will be these fools who the American Jewish community will then turn on. ", how do you define "colonization"? Is it a liberal, progressive definition of, say, beyond the 1967 borders? Or do you accept the Arab demand for a return to the 1949 borders? Or is one to accept the Arab demand that all of Zionism is colonialism? What is the beginning of that "unending project"?

What do you think?



  1. It seems that nothing has really changed since 1948! The Palestinians and their few "self-hating Jew (read Marxist)" allies, still see the conflict as a "one to the exclusion of the other" proposition, rather than a "two-state solution." Under such a doctrine it can be safely argued that the Palestinians have forfeited their right to an independent state, as it would remain a perpetual threat to Israel!

    As the Palestinian Authority refuses to negotiate during the continuation of settlement construction and given the fact that such construction will be limited to infilling within existing settlements, why not let the Palestinian Authority define the timetable for negotiations? The construction should be completed within 5-10 years and if the P.A. wishes to wait that long to resume negotiations, let them! They will be confronted with "facts on the ground" and the fact that any opportunity to negotiate modifications was lost to them!

  2. How do those Marxist scum define colonialism? Oh, that's easy: As with "racism," it depends on the group doing it. Thus, a third-generation Frenchman on Algeria is a colonist, whereas a recent immigrant from Algeria in France refusing to learn the language and teaming up with his coreligionists to make the whole neighborhood a no-go zone for the non-Muslim French isn't a colonist.

    Why the double standard? Because of the single agenda: Marxists support Islamic imperialism against the hated capitalist West! Marxism is treason; it should be criminalized by every freedom-loving nation-state.
