Thursday, July 22, 2010

Look Who Is Skirting the Issue

She's skirting the issue of peace, that is.

Has she met the females of Yesha?

President of Leading U.S. Women's Rights Organization Meets Palestinian Leaders and Activists

Terry O'Neill, President of the National Organization for Women (NOW) participated in a series of discussions, workshops, and meetings with Palestinian activists and community leaders in Ramallah, East Jerusalem, and Nablus. The purpose of Ms. O’Neill’s three-day visit, sponsored by the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem, was to share her experience as a political organizer and activist for women’s rights and social justice. During her visit, Ms. O’Neill and Palestinian women leaders and activists engaged in lively discussions about the challenges facing Palestinian and American women in their respective societies, and how to sustain commitment to progress on these issues.

...NOW is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States, and is dedicated to bringing about equality for all women. As president of NOW, Ms. O'Neill advocates on a multitude of issues affecting women on national and global levels, including discrimination based on sex, race, and socio-economic background, women's health, combating domestic violence, economic empowerment, and constitutional equality. A former law professor, Ms. O'Neill taught at Tulane University and at the University of California at Davis, where her courses included feminist legal theory and international women's rights law, in addition to corporate law and legal ethics.

Ms. O’Neill’s visit is one of many programs sponsored by the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem throughout the year to promote dialogue and mutual understanding between Americans and Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

I am sure that the women of Yesha, that is the Jewish female residents of Judea and Samaria, could have learned something from Ms. O'Neill and for sure, she could have learned something from them.

But is the US interest in feminism, women's rights, etc. or in making sure discrimination between Jews and Arabs is institutionalized?

Is Hillary Clinton really so much against women?

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1 comment:

  1. Do the women of Yesha need advice on obtaining equal rights? It seems to me that the women who would most need a visit from Ms. O'Neill would be the Palestinian women.
