Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ha-Ha Haaretz Is Now Pro-...Roman

Don't you just get that very 'funny' feeling when you read that Ha-Ha Haaretz is more concerned over Roman artifacts?

Like in this story:-

Western Wall museum plans threaten Roman relics, archaeologists warn

according to which,

Jerusalem's district planning council was on Sunday set to rule on a controversial museum project that archaeologists claim would destroy valuable ancient structures beneath the Old City. The new museum is planned for the concourse beside the Western Wall of the Temple Mount – Judaism's holiest site. [er, so which is the "holiest" - the Western Wall or the Temple Mount? -YM]


a group of archaeologists who have petitioned the council says the new building, designed by architect Ada Karmi, would damage an ancient Roman road, flanked by rare and elaborate columns, that runs beneath the planned construction. They say that if Jewish relics were under threat, the project would never have been allowed. [ah, Jewish racism - YM]


Karmi's plans would preserve the Roman relics, which the public would be able to view from a basement gallery beneath the new building. But the group of archaeologists, which includes several members of Israel's UNESCO committee, says that this solution ignores the possibility of developing a unique historical site.

Any other possibility? Yes:-

In response to the petition, Shmuel Rabinovitch, the Western Wall's rabbi, said the new building would be essential in providing services to the increasing number of visitors to the site. Far from damaging fragile ruins, the new structures would ensure their preservation, he said.

So, if the Romans were around, does anyone think they'd preserve a Jewish site, a site they tried to destroy, twice?

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