Monday, January 11, 2010

On Conflict Management

May I introduce to you, from the left to the right, Dr. Rami Nasrallah (IPCC), Dr. Ron Hassner (Berkeley) and Dr. Yitzhak Reiter, (JIIS):

I was in the audience for an enlightening and interesting two hours while the above three addressed the topic of "How to Manage to Conflict Over the Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa" sponsored by

The occasion was the recent publication of Hassner's "War on Sacred Grounds" (table of contents here).

Reiter repeated a previous error of his when he termed the opening of the Hasmonean Tunnel in September 1996 by Benjamin Netanyahu, as an "adventurous" policy without informing his listeners that it was Shimon Peres who reached an understanding with Arafat in that for permitting the construction of the first underground mosque, Israel could open the exit of the tunnel.

I asked Dr. Nasrallah if he saw a parallel between The Mufti Haj Amin El-Husseini and Sheikh Ra'ad Salah but he insisted that they were different in that the Mufti was a political figure exploiting religion and the Sheikh was a religious leader exploiting a political situation.

I think that while there is an academic distinction, the result is the same: Jewish holy sites are denied to the Jews and violence is instigated against them.

Hassner's main contribution was in pointing to the fact that if it weren't for the too-moderate Chief Rabbinate Council in 1967 issuing a blanket prohibition on entrance into the Temple Mount compound of the Haram (see this article), no political power could have stopped thousands of Jews entering and upsetting the previous status quo. And I think he has an error in his book: the Rabbinic ban was surely published before October 1967.

As for the conflict management aspect, it seems the consensus up on the panel was the current status quo supervised not by Israel but an international team or even religious figures.

One interesting item was revealed by Nasrallah in that the intellectual and cultural elite of Arab society in Jerusalem has left for Ramallah leaving Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods going more poor, more fanatic and more 'chareidi'.


  1. "sponsored by..." ?

    If the traveling was really difficult, "the intellectual and cultural elite of Arab society" would not be moving to Ramallah.

  2. Notable among these was the reformer, Martin Luther, who in 1543 wrote in "Von den Juden und Ihren Lugen":

    "Does not their Talmud say, and do not their rabbis write, that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob, as they do with their usury, from a heathen is a divine service. For they hold that they cannot be too hard on us nor sin against us, because they are of the noble blood and circumcised saints; we, however, are cursed goyim. And they are the masters of the world, and we are their servants, yea, their cattle...

    "Should someone think that I am saying too much, I am not saying too much, but much too little. For I see in their writings how they curse us goyim and wish us all evil in their schools and their prayers."----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I used to believe the israelis/jews were the people I read about in their controlled newsmedia/academia/ploitica throught AIPAC, I believed their PR stunts, had empathy for the, then I lived among them for 22 years, saw their plans take shape, watched their pseudo-zealous rabbis attend services where they try and curse the goyim, and visit the whoes houses the next day, I saw them destroy the lives and businesses of too many good people to discuss. If I were one of them then I would be as they are, the world class mafia, but I am not. I am someone who took the time to study their sub-culture very closely. In their world I am a goyin, a non-nobility, someone they tolerate as a hireling, servant slave or customer, in a world where they are trying to control. To answer your quection,I believe we are all equal, no gruop should enslave the others. I see their infiltration of the USA, the increase in minimium wage jobs, tripling ebery 10 years, homelessness off the charts. It wasn't like this 50 years ago. They convinced the politicians, through bribery to drop our import taxation dept, then stole our manufacturing infrastructure, set it up in slave countries. It represented 80+ of our middle class jobs, we made 95% of what we consumed, now its all imported. they did this to our country, then moved to israel, where they extract 60,000 per year from the US treasury for every israeli citizen, they start the wars, they don't serve in the us military. the jewish culture is anti-american, and esttructive to peace and prosperity throughout the world, they are attempting to control the world. what I write is truth. they control our newsmedia, academia, politica, financial services. we are christian, they the jew, their basic goal in life is to enslave us, they are doing this by graduating 10 times more lawyers and doctors per capita than we do. corruption is how they operate
