Thursday, January 21, 2010

From the Heights of Judea & Samaria to...Crown Heights

Just received this:

Lubavitch Women Raise Funds for Construction in Judea and Samaria, Israel, Opposing “Freeze” by Netanyahu
Benefit Concert, Saturday, January 23, Crown Heights, Brooklyn


A benefit concert to raise awareness and funds for building and development in Judea and Samaria, will be held in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, world headquarters of Chabad Lubavitch, on Saturday night, January 23, 8 PM, at Bais Rivka, 470 Lefferts Avenue. The event is for women only.

Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel is organizing the concert in response to the recent building freeze imposed on communities in Judea and Samaria by Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, acceding to pressure from the U.S. The freeze forbids any type of new housing construction or renovation.

Judea and Samaria are the historical heartland of Israel. Judea is home to Jerusalem, the ancient city of King David, and to Hebron, the cradle of Jewish civilization where the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are buried. Samaria is home to Shiloh, the first capital of ancient Israel, and Shechem, the burial place of Joseph, to whom Jacob gave the coat of many colors.

In flagrant violation of the civil rights of the Jewish people who have settled in the land of their forefathers, government officials have posted stop-work notices and have confiscated construction materials and equipment. Defense Minister Ehud Barak in charge of enforcing the "freeze" has gone so far as to even forbid Jewish residents from enclosing porches.

...Israelis have expressed fears that another expulsion on the order of Gush Katif is in the making. Because of the historical importance of Judea and Samaria, claimed by Abraham as an eternal heritage for his descendants, a government effort to expel the Jews would be a national disaster. Not only would this leave the rest of Israel completely wide open to terrorists, but the government’s ability to stand up for the Jewish homeland would be seriously in question.

In numerous public and private talks and letters, the Lubavitcher Rebbe supported settlement throughout Israel as the key to the country’s security, and especially the areas retaken after the Six Day War.

...Responding to the folly of the freeze, Mrs. Adelstein says, “We are lodging our protest through song, theatre and film. Our event will alert the Jewish community at large to this new peril and we will send the money we receive to Yibaneh, an organization that supports building in Judea and Samaria."

Engage! will feature the popular singer, Chanale, a theatrical troupe, and a film documentary. General Admission: $18, $36, Students: $12.
Information: (718) 774-0914;

Shake out those dollars ladies.

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