Friday, November 20, 2009

More On Palin - and J Street

I left this comment

And add to Abe's criticism the possibility that J Street is also anti-Aliyah. If Palin's support takes into consideration a factor that Jews are and will be continuing to move to Israel, for all sorts of reasons, and that the state is still in a dynamism of being created and fulfilling its purpose as the Jewish national home, and that room is needed, then the conclusion is that J Street is anti-Aliyah. Its message is 'heck, Aliyah is dead' and that Israel should do with what it has. Security is also a large Jewish population. A small population aids J Street's demographic demonology screed.

at a JTA story that informs us:

The head of the Anti-Defamation League says J Street's attack on Sarah Palin's defense of Israeli settlements was "over the line" and questioned whether the group should be calling itself "pro-Israel."

In a call to JTA late Thursday, ADL national director Abraham Foxman called "the height of chutzpah" J Street's statement Wednesday which said "Palin's pandering to her right-wing base comes at the expense of the security of the State of Israel" and her remarks "reveal a glaring ignorance of damaging facts."

"Who authorizes them to detemine what the security of Israel is?" Foxman asked of J Street. "Israel determines its security."

"They're attacking a celebrity for supporting Israel, but not in the way they want her to support Israel," he said referring to the former governor of Alaska.

As for the charge that Palin was pandering, Foxman said that "all politics is pandering" and that one could say the same thing about the members of Congress who spoke at the J Street conference last month.

Foxman acknowledged Palin's remarks -- in which she said Jewish settlements "should be allowed to be expanded upon" because "more and more Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days and weeks and months ahead" -- were a "simplistic effort to be supportive of the Israeli government," but also "clear and well-intentioned" and "didn't put any lives at stake."

The ADL leader added that this was the latest of a series of actions by J Street which raised doubt about whether both parts of the organization's slogan of “pro-Israel, pro-peace” is accurate.

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