Monday, October 26, 2009

Braverman Blows Bubbles or, No Minister

Amazing (again) how silly some people are.

Take this:

Minister for Minority Affairs, MK Avishay Braverman (Labor) said on Monday that the call by rabbis for Jews to ascend the Temple Mount hurt Israel and that the provocation is detremental to Israel's standing in the world, Israel Radio reported.

Braverman said that extremest Muslims will always try to ingnite the area and maintained that extremest Jews are in fact strengthening the former.

Wait. If I understand him (a big 'if'), since in any case the Muslims will tell lies, fabricate and make up things (tunnel-digging; attempts at conquest aka entrance), and they will even initiate violence no matter what is the reality - and they have done so since even before the 1929 riots* - and as an example of their fibbing, read this there:-

...the Palestinian Authority requested that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon send a special envoy to report on the situation in Jerusalem...PA President Mahmoud Abbas's office stated that Israel was trying to occupy Jerusalem and the Aksa Mosque, and that it would fail, the report added.

Braverman, it would seem, is a lost case.

Intellectually, rationally and politically, he does Israel more harm than good in his approach to the Temple Mount issue.

No Minister


In September 1928, a small group of Jews erected a "mechitza" (a divider to separate men and women during prayers) for Yom Kippur prayers at the Western Wall. The British forcibly dismantled the divider, but [the grand Mufti Haj Amin el-] Husseini used this incident as a pretext to incite Muslims. He accused the Jews of attempting to seize Muslim holy sites, including the al Aqsa Mosque.

A virulent propaganda campaign calling for jihad against the Jews resulted in the frequent beating and stoning of Jews worshipping at the Wall and culminated in widespread, murderous riots across Palestine in August 1929.

August 15, 1929 was Tisha B'Av, the day on which Jews commemorate the destruction of the Holy Temple. Thousands of Jews marched to the Wall to protest British restrictions on Jewish prayer there, and to reaffirm their Jewish connection to the holy site. They displayed their nationalistic fervor by singing Hatikvah (later to become Israel's national anthem). The following day, mobs of armed Arab worshippers inflamed by anti-Jewish sermons, fell upon Jewish worshippers at the Wall, destroying Jewish prayer books and notes placed between the stones of the wall. On August 17, a Jewish boy was killed by Arabs during ensuing riots in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Bukharan.

According to the Davar newspaper of August 20, 1929, incitement against the Jews was rampant, especially in the Jerusalem and Hebron area. Rumors were spread that Jews had cursed Islam and intended to take over their holy places; Muslims were told that it was their duty to take revenge. "Defend the Holy Places" became the battle cry.

On August 23, more than 1000 Arabs launched attacks on Jews throughout Jerusalem. Forty-seven people were killed. This was followed by widespread attacks on Jews throughout Palestine. Again, the British forbade Jews to organize armed self-defense units and within several days, 133 Jews had been killed and 339 wounded.

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