Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Waller Family

I spoke tonight before a group affiliated with the the Waller Family.

I learned that

The Waller's are a family of 13. They live part of the year in Nashville and part of the year in Israel. Working with the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria in their vineyards, blessing the people of the land, and bringing the hope of our Messiah to those in the land. About 10 years ago Tommy Waller came home...took his family out of main stream society and brought them to a small town outside of Nashville, Franklin, to live amongst the Amish where he could raise his family himself and teach them the principles in the word by showing them and living them out daily. They practiced organic farming and lived off the land.

Here's an explanatory video:

Their site is here.

I found them a wonderful group of people. The children were very well behaved and respectful. They are now sleeping down by the Tel and will be working there and in our vineyards.

I thank them for coming. And no, they didn't try to convert me. We bonded as persons of a spiritual consciousness, recognizing the importance of a Jewish presence in our Land.


  1. just becausey did not try to convert YOU doesNOT mean they won't do it to Jews less knowledgable and vulnerable than you. They themselves admit that they are waiting to "share jesus with Jews, is t soifficult to see them as missionaries?

  2. I may be different and even unique, but I presume that I am not going to change Christians, and I assume they would want to missionize and I accept that that is who they are, their essence. I don't get uptight. I honestly can't see how any Jew would be convinced of Christian theology but I can't solve everyone's problem. I inform Christain groups that I expect them not to proselytize but that if they love God's people and His land, then we can work together.

  3. I find it so interesting that we want to use words that label people by their beliefs. Yet we have only ONE bible and one GOD...People have strayed from the words of the living GOD!

    Sticking with the words exactly in Genesis chapter 1....we can find many things that speak of the Messiah. Gen. 1:14 speaks of the biblical calendar and if we follow that alone, per GOD to Moses in Ex 12, we find the Messiah in the foreshadows of these appointments and find out who showed up to fulfill these appointments with US! Which only proves that Isaiah and the others were not liars...but rather we are!!!

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  6. just released a report in English and in Hebrew on the Waller family which shows their involvement in a clearly anti-Semitic film production. In addition, they and their harvestors appear in clips interspersed with overt street proselytizing.

  7. Ellen sees proselytizing Christians everywhere. My experience (actual experience, not gleaned from web sites) and those of other persons who have been closely working with the Wallers is just the opposite. This theological drum-beating my be good for some people but is totally divorced from the real;ity on, literally, the ground. As a result of the "report", attempts will be made, are already are, to dissuade farmers from having the Wallers and friends work in the vineyards which means they'll have to employ Arabs. This is not only dangerous but plain stupid: we will be employing and providing sustenance to our enemies while (hopefully not) emabarssing the friends we have that support the Land of Israedl abroad, including Congress against an evil US administration.

    If Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov, disciple of the Vilna Gaon and leader of the perushim in Jerusalem in the 1830s, could invite a missionary into his home to discuss religion but use him to advance the redemption process of Jews (see here), we surely can have them in our fields, stengthening our hold over our Land.

  8. The Jewish Israel report only deals with the facts on the ground and actual experience.

    I and the team at Jewish Israel have worked extensively with the Christian community in Israel. I have also met with Tommy Waller.

    We observed the grape harvesting process and interviewed farmers, laborers, and those involved in wine production for this report.

    It's "plain stupid" and erroneous to claim that those who don't use Christian missionary labor will be forced to turn to Arabs.

    Those with their feet on the ground know that machines, Thai workers and Jewish labor are viable solutions in wine production.

    If you're so worried about U.S. Congress and the current evil administration, take a look at the kind of legislation the Wallers' friends pushing for

  9. a) unlike you, it seems, I am not surprised when Christians act like...Christians.

    b) I again ask: were the Wallers, and not there "friends" (or acquaintances or someone thety don't know) invovled in proselytizing in Samaria and Benjamin? Missionary work has been proven or suggested or what?

    c) Feet on the ground or not, it'll have to be Arabs. That's the reality.

    d) If you cannot compensate for possible political support, don't take ours away.

    e) Congress is not the Kentucky state legislature.

  10. just want to add this farmers view of things with "my feet still on the ground" somewhere in Israel .
    1. Many good nice evangelists visited me in my greenhouses and photgraphed me smiling with them. These pictures eventually made their way back to me on a CD with quotes from the new testament on the pictures that were reaching jews in small towns -apparantly as proof that even the pioneering Jews in the Holyland have accepted Jesus.This was not the only such experience I had. Was it the people who were so nice in my greenhouse who did this on the sly or others they are affiliated with who did it without their direct knowledge is irrelavent .
    I want no part of this and I am sure that is true of you as well. The only way we can avoid this is to read the info that jewish Israel provides and be alert and avoid those that have a bad track record of misusing us for their evangelizing of Jews.
    Winkie,we ar now investigating growing a vineyard in our built anew Gush Katif town . We have spoken to many agricultural advisors and experienced vineyard farmerson this All have emphasized that machines are replacing labor for much of the work. You may not see Arabs as a good solution for labor but certainly allowing those who believe in evangelizing ,as you clearly say to "use us" for this goal is not going to bring the "blessing" on us nor on our crops!

  11. a)I don't know who you work with and accept funds from, but I've certainly had the good fortune of seeing Gentiles support Israel with massive donations and political support which is neither tied to Christianity or missionary activity

    b)Not only is the Waller family featured on the "Restoration" film's posters, which made the rounds at the Cannes and Monaco Film festivals, but their major role in the documentary's previews are mixed with scenes of in-your-face street proselytizing directed at Jews. See:
    The Film's promotional material on the website is downright anti-Semitic.

    c) I don't buy that, because there are highly successful vintners and farmers in Israel who are not using Arab labor at all.

    d) Nobody is taking away your support - unless you are implying that this support is contigent upon an opportunity to have a crack at destroying Jewish souls and the very nature of the Jewish state.

    e) let's go to Congress then and see the damage being done by evangelical inspired Congressional Religious Freedoms Act of 1998.

  12. Joseph Wolff’s missionary journal, which Yisrael Meidad uses above as support for inviting to and tolerating missionaries in Israel (who knew?!), was used by Wolff to claim that he successfully argued against the Gaon Mi’Shklav and found several faults in the Gaon Mi'Shklav's arguments. Just read the darned thing.

    While this may have been Wolff’s wishful thinking, and without me ascribing anything negative, Chas Ve'shalom, about the Gaon Mi’Shklav's inviting Wolff in for the debate, the end result is the Christians proclaiming to themselves that they’ve succeeded and more effort should be placed in their ongoing activity to weaken the Jewish resolve.

    Thanks, Yisrael, for proving one of our points.

    Romy Leibler
    Administrative Director

  13. Ah, so now your main problem is that Jews abroad, in small towns, will be influenced. In other words, Jews in YESHA are guilty of aiding the proselytization of Jews in Galut? This is getting complicated.

    My point in bringing the Wolff-Shklov was that Jews, religious, were not scared to meet with Christians and moreover, to seek their assistance in a political sense.

    As for machines (expensive) and Thais (few), out here in YESHA cannot be compared to other locations.

    And you will let me know when there's a conversion, yes?

    Of course, all this may influence the Wallers to be careful with whom they fraternize in the future and to mind the rules - we are partners in trying to do good work but from different perspectiuves.

  14. Ah, so now your main problem is that Jews abroad, in small towns, will be influenced. In other words, Jews in YESHA are guilty of aiding the proselytization of Jews in Galut? This is getting complicated.

    My point in bringing the Wolff-Shklov was that Jews, religious, were not scared to meet with Christians and moreover, to seek their assistance in a political sense.

    As for machines (expensive) and Thais (few), out here in YESHA cannot be compared to other locations.

    And you will let me know when there's a conversion, yes?

    Of course, all this may influence the Wallers to be careful with whom they fraternize in the future and to mind the rules - we are partners in trying to do good work but from different perspectiuves.

  15. nr nedad,
    i recently posted a comment here which i ask that you delete. it was a long comment dated march 13 or 14 2011 from anonymous. it does not serve the people of israel. please do not post it. thank you


    relating to evangelical xns by yosef hakohen. please read.

  17. I really enjoyed reading this article. Can you kindly tell me as I have always wanted to have an authentic conversation with someone of the Jewish faith, why is Jesus not the Messaiah as prophesised. I am not an argumentive person..this is truthfully just to get your point of view. I am a christian who believes and you are the chosen people, I have been grafted in so I would like to know...I don't know what your experiences have been with any christian but please let me assure you its not to argue, I am inqusitive as well. Blessings, Loly

  18. I really enjoyed reading this article. Can you kindly tell me as I have always wanted to have an authentic conversation with someone of the Jewish faith, why is Jesus not the Messaiah as prophesised. I am not an argumentive person..this is truthfully just to get your point of view. I am a christian who believes and you are the chosen people, I have been grafted in so I would like to know...I don't know what your experiences have been with any christian but please let me assure you its not to argue, I am inqusitive as well. Blessings, Loly

  19. Dear Loly,


    The Messiah as understood by traditional Jewish sources will basically be this, as formulated by Maimonides:

    "the Messianic king will arise and renew the Davidic dynasty, restoring it to its initial sovereignty. He will build the Temple and gather the dispersed of Israel. Then, in his days, the observance of all the statutes will return to their previous state. We will offer sacrifices, observe the Sabbatical and Jubilee years according to all their particulars as described by the Torah."

    That has not happened. So Jesus cannot be the Messaiah.

    In addition, that a man could be born of God and become a God-like figure is anathema to Judaism.

  20. Wronged StepsisterThu Sep 20, 12:24:00 AM

    I have no respect for anyone in that family. He claims to follow Jewish law but only the parts he likes. They don't eat pork, but love to eat at Red Lobster. They didn't go to Israel one year because it was the Sabbath year but that only applied to Israel apparently because they planted a garden in TN and made my father work it. My father was married to Tommy's mother. My father died in May. The last week of his life they had him brush hogging and working on their sewer even though he had recently had heart surgery and wasn't even cleared to play golf yet. My father left absolutely everything to my stepmother, disinheriting my brother and I because my stepmother promised that if she died last she would divide everything they both had between me, my brother, Tommy and his brother. Do you think she is going to do that? No, she said she wasn't and she didn't have to because my dad died first. And then they buried my father without a funeral home, in a coffin made of 2x4s in nothing but the underwear he died in. His feces filled underwear of course because they didn't even clean his body and everyone knows how the body purges itself after death. They also wouldn't let my father's best friend of over 30 years perform his funeral because they were afraid he might say something about their own false biblical views. And now with my father's money Tommy will have lots of money to buy military guns for his cult. And I think none of his work is based on Christian love. As soon as last fall his webpage said he saw a business opportunity in Israel and he took a group of businessmen there to explore that opportunity. And even at my father's memorial he was trying to get my brother and I to give him more of OUR money or provide housing to him if he was in our towns. And just to give you another taste of what his mother is like, the day after my father died, she was having my grandfather's coin collection appraised and prying the valuable coins out of it.

    There is just so much more. There is the also animal torture. One Thanksgiving he and his sons tied a chicken to a log outside their home and then took turns shooting at the terrified thing until one of them finally killed it.
