Thursday, July 30, 2009

For the Record and For Reflection

IDF general who evacuated Gaza settlers calls pullout 'utter nonsense'

The decision to evacuate Gaza Strip settlements in 2005 was "utter nonsense," the head of the Israel Defense Forces' ground troops during the Gaza disengagement said Thursday.

Israel Defense Forces General (Res.) Yiftach Ron-Tal made the comment during an interview on Army Radio, a day before the fourth anniversary of the disengagement on the Hebrew calendar.

"Today it is clear to everybody, that what at the time was an argument over a difficult event, was utter nonsense from a security perspective," he told Army Radio.

"I opposed it from the deepest meaning of the word opposition - from a security aspect, from a religious aspect and from a national aspect."

But don't worry -

Ron-Tal added, however, that he decided without hesitation to participate in the disengagement.

"I suffered and didn't sleep at night, but the decision was completely wholehearted. In my opinion, the alternative for the people of Israel was even worse."

This is great thinking (not really but that's Israelis for you).

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