Thursday, April 23, 2009

You Needn't Be A NYTimes Editorial Writer To Be Smart

You can be even smarter and just a writer of a letter-to-the-editor like this:

Re “More Hatred From Mr. Ahmadinejad” (editorial, April 21):

What does Israel’s handling of the Gaza war have to do with President Mahmoud

Ahmadinejad’s anti-Semitic rant at the United Nations conference on racism? Mr. Ahmadinejad’s hatred of Israel has no more to do with Israel’s actions than Hitler’s opinions of Jews had to do with the behavior of German Jewry.

Iran’s president isn’t interested in discussing the subtleties of Israel’s behavior; it’s Israel’s existence that he objects to. To get drawn into a discussion of Israeli policy is to play by his rules, not ours.

President Obama was right to pull out, but I’m especially proud of Canada for having led the way months ago.

Marjorie Gann


  1. Mr. Rat, or should that be Mr. Mouse as you seem to be so afraid, have fun with yourself.

  2. effective are your words... Mister 4 photos of self on his website.

  3. I don't recall anyone ever calling Bush or Livni dangerous leaders. Yet they started a war against a nation with no legitimate reason, war for national gain.
    Ahmadenejad as dangerous leader perception comes from his rethorics and not his actions.

  4. Anon. come on. admit it. you're jealous.

    Galia, I hope someone makes sure he doesn't get to act for by then, it'll be too late.

  5. And by someone making sure, watch Israel punishing Iranians with bombs and tanks for what Ahmadenejad said.(?) What did he really say?
